Monday, January 3, 2011

Little Boxes

When I was little, I loved organizing little things into boxes.  I collected all kind of little things – small toys, buttons, anything really.  I would store them in little boxes or containers and hide them around my room.

Jack is the same way.  He loves tiny things, and will collect them all together and put them in interesting locations.  He has a little kitchen set, and I can always find a tiny silver pot filled with Legos, or plastic coins from Owen’s cash register, or domino pieces.

For Christmas, Owen bought Jack a container of Lego from the store’s section where you can buy individual pieces. Owen carefully picked out specific pieces to make cars and space ships including lots of tiny pieces shaped like fire.   Jack loved the Lego and started digging through the box.  When he realized there were lots of pieces of fire, he was so excited but then ran away.  He came back with a tiny container and spend a great deal of time looking through the box of Legos for tiny pieces of  fire.

I often come across little groups of treasures around the house and they make me smile.  (Sometimes I do not smile when I realize that a particular group of treasure consists of various pieces from several different board games all mixed up….)  But, for the most part, I love to know that he finds pleasure in his simple collections.  I remember the pleasure I found in them when I was his age. 

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