Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Way Back

Today after school, Owen was telling me the Easter story.  His version had all the basic story elements and the main characters, Jesus, the good guys, the bad guys, and God. He could not quite comprehend why the “bad guys” were so unkind. (something that he has worried about with other bible stories – Daniel in the lions den and David and Goliath…)

After telling the story, he paused and just thought for awhile. 

Owen: All of that happened last year when I was three.

Mama: Well, that story is from a very long time ago.  It was a time before anyone you know was even born. 

Owen: Oh, yeah, that’s right.  It was way back in The Mean Times.

I suppose that is what the Olden Times must seem like to him.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Letting Go

Jack has been taking a gymnastics class for several months now.  Because he was two when we started, the only option was a “Mommy and Me” class where the moms stay with the kids and guide them through each activity.

Since Jack turned three in December, he has been on several waitlists to move to a three–year-old class where the moms just watch from the waiting area.   I told Jack that today that it was his last day at the “Mommy and Me” class and he would be starting his “big-boy” class tomorrow.  A huge smile came over his face.

Jack:   I’ve always wanted to go with not you!

Since he followed this up by jumping in my arms, giving me a big hug and saying, “thank-you!” I will try to not take the comment too personally….

Monday, March 29, 2010

Third Time’s a Charm

This is the third year that Eric and I have gone with Mat and Becca to Portland for a weekend.   And so far we’re three for three.

Each trip we have had a great time.

Each trip we have found excellent places to eat and drink.

Each trip Becca has made our own personalized maps that save us lots of time and include everyone’s interests.


Each trip, I wear these shoes, walk more than I expect, and end up walking back to the hotel barefoot.


I am hoping that this trip will represent the “third time’s a charm theory”, and I will learn my lesson as I (decide not to) pack these shoes… but I doubt it!

Sunday, March 28, 2010


Gotta love weekend trips!


IMAG0180My baby (and Mat and Becca – who I need a photo from!)

IMAG0185  Banana Martinis

IMAG0195Art Stores

IMAG0033Stumptown Coffee 

Friday, March 26, 2010


Jack is an impulsive little guy.

It makes him spontaneous and fun, and refreshingly unpredictable.

It causes him to suddenly run up to you and give you a squeeze and a kiss, and then return to whatever he was doing.  Just because you happened to cross his thoughts and made him happy.

He will tell stories on the fly using whatever pops into his head – regardless of their connection to reality.  Stories about the time when he was a baby and worked as a mechanic, and then went to jail with a zebra and then ate pancakes on his motorcycle...

Sometimes his impulses are just a little too impulsive however.  Like today when we were at the grocery store, and Jack saw this bag of english muffins sitting at eye level.  He walked right up to it, and took a bite!  “Mom, I took a bite!” he announced.


Now, as much as I love Jack’s spontaneous nature, I do feel that their should be some limits to his impulsiveness.  Randomly biting food in the grocery store, being one of them.

I sadly explained that the quarter he was going to use to buy a gumball now needed to be used to pay for the english muffins.  (I felt terrible for him because he had behaved sooooo well at REI while I made him try on pants and shoes -things he hates to do, and we were almost finished at the grocery store.)  He cried on and off through the store and check-out line, alternately getting hugs from me and Owen saying, “I really wanted that gum ball.” 

But I keep telling myself that a gumball is a small consequence to pay in the scheme of life.  And I would rather he pay for a mistake with a gumball now, than pay with something much bigger later in life. 

Thursday, March 25, 2010


Mary and I have been taking a photography class on Thursdays for a few weeks now.  We are working on editing photos and I really like how these turned out.  I might hang these up somewhere. 


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Made Me Smile

Jack – hiding from me. IMAG0170 

Then, when he realized, that this was better hiding.


Owen discovering all the fun things to do at the new park we played at today.  Most of the equipment has some feature on it that is made of rope.


Owen being so proud of himself when he climbed to the top of this.  He was pretty nervous at first, but then he did it over and over.


Owen collecting all of the papers from the neighbors on the street, and then redelivering them (just like in his curious George book.)  He thought it was so fun that he got one of the neighborhood kids to help him do it a second time, and a third…until the neighbor boy had to go in for the evening.


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

The Good: The kids did not wake me up early this morning.

The Bad: When I woke up, I opened my eyes to see Kris, Steven and Grady standing in my living room.  (We have our master-bedroom on the main floor.)

The Ugly: Me, newly awoken, having to greet people outside my family.


The Good: I remembered to give the kids their vitamins this morning.

The Bad: Jack shoved both his and Owen’s vitamins in his mouth- and they contain Iron.  Poison Control said it would only result in constipation so I should give Jack lots of fruit and juices.

The Ugly: That treatment kicked in just as I sent a nako Jack upstairs to get dressed, “Opps Mom, I p..ped on the landing!”


The Good: At the park today, Owen, Jack, Bridget and Charlotte had fun playing on their bikes; and Becca and I actually finished a few conversations.

The Bad: Owen had two bike collisions with Charlotte.

The Ugly: The boys, bike tires (and thus the carpet of the back of my car) covered in mud from the puddle that Owen and Jack felt was an important finale to our park outing.


The Good: I took the time to sweep and mop all of the hardwoods tonight, and they look great.

The Bad: I didn’t take the time to clean much else.

The Ugly: Probably my floors at the end of the day tomorrow.

BUT, they will be half-clean, right?!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Half-full or Half-empty?

As the children were taking their naps today (or rather, playing in their rooms, not taking naps) I looked at the two cookies sitting on my counter and lamented their outcome.  I made them with some left-ever dough, in order to try out some special “stamped” cookie cutters that my friend Lisa bought for my birthday.  An Easter egg and a little chick.  The cookies turned out great – but my decoration technique was terrible.IMAG0163

A few minutes later I was looking at a cookbook that I had out on my kitchen counter.  The author, Nigella Lawson, writes little commentaries in the middle of her recipes, and they are fun to read even if you don’t want to bake.   The book happened to be turned to a kids’ cookie page and I read the icing directions,

“Colour as desired; let the artistic spirit within you speak, remembering with gratitude that children have very bad taste.”

I laughed out-loud.  This is so true.  Just this morning, my boys also noticed these same two cookies, and were overjoyed.  Owen yelled, “Look Jack, look at these cute cookies!”  I just thought, “of course they would like it!” 

It didn’t help much when Owen said, “I will eat this cookie, and you can have the chickie.”  To which Jack countered, “No Owen, I want to eat the rocket.”

Just the other day, a good friend of mine told me that I really couldn’t be having a bad time because anyone who has time to sit around and make sugar cookies couldn’t have any real problems.  Since this person also happens to be a psychologist, I figure that was an authoritative finding.  I didn’t take the comment as insulting, and it wasn’t meant to belittle my feelings, which I know are valid.  But feelings, I think, have a lot to do with perspective.

And I like to think of myself as having a “half-full” perspective on life. 

I shouldn’t think, “Of course they would like it” when the kids are excited about the cookies, but, “Of course they would like it!”  I am happy that my boys are delighted by my gaudy cookies. (even if Jack can’t tell if it is an egg or a rocket…)

Later this afternoon Owen was looking again at the cookies.  His eyebrows were furrowed as he looked back and forth between the chick and egg.  I wondered what was bothering him and braced myself for the innocent insult that was coming.  After a few minutes, a big smile broke on his face and he called Jack over saying he wanted to explain his idea, “I know Jack.  Let’s break both cookies in half and then share.  That way we get some of each.”  My baby just couldn’t decide which one he wanted more.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Useless Suggestions

As I filled up my car the other day, I noticed this on the gas-pump screen, “Replace nozzle when finished”


Now, I am aware that there is a group of people who forget to remove the nozzle from their cars before they drive away from the station.  These friends shall remain nameless; they know who they are… (Oh, and for those wondering, when you do drive away, the hose and nozzle detach themselves from the pump, and things are fine – no spills or anything.  And if you bring the nozzle back to the station, the attendant will probably be very surprised because that doesn’t usually happen. )

Anyway, the thing that I just can’t quite understand is how this reminder screen is going to help. 

Now, I am going to go out on a limb and presuppose that very few people are out to steal a nozzle and hose.  Thus, someone who drives away from the station without removing the nozzle from their car obviously has a lot on their mind!  I find it highly unlikely that this person would be reading all of the advertisements that are on the pump screen. 

To me, this warning is similar to saying, “Be careful.  Don’t fall!”to a child that is running downhill on cement.  It is a useless suggestion.  The child will trip, or they will not trip, but your warning will have no bearing as to whether or not it will happen. 

I hope that writing this doesn’t give me bad gas-pump karma…

Saturday, March 20, 2010


I am in a bad mood.  It is crazy to be in a bad mood on a sunny day in Seattle, but I am…

I think I have too many projects going and none of them are done. 

Eric just put on a movie that I like, and we watched it on the couch.  I fell asleep in twenty minutes, so he just rubbed my hair (and changed it to a movie he likes).  I feel better, but hope tomorrow I finish something and get out of my funk.

Friday, March 19, 2010

My Bag


I am excited.  I just got my bag that I am going to use for our trip this summer.  Having the bag makes it seem so real!   Me and Jack-Jack are going to try to only bring what will fit in here (and Jack will have a little bag for some toys).   Eric and Owen are going to share one other bag.  I hope we are not being too optimistic of our needs…that we aren’t crazy.  As long as my flat-iron fits, that is all that really matters, right?

Thursday, March 18, 2010


I have just spent a ridiculous amount of time making and frosting rocket cookies for Owen’s class tomorrow.  Owen is the line leader and so he gets to bring snack.  I have never allowed him to bring anything sugary before, and can’t for the life of me figure out why I said yes to cookies.  Mostly because I have just spent 3 1/2 hours rolling, baking, and frosting them.  And that doesn’t even include making the dough and leaving it in the fridge forever. (and I don’t even like how they turned out – I like things much more uniform…and the fire looks pink –grrr.)


I did learn a lot about using this kind of frosting – though I’m not sure that I learned enough to make up for the lost time…

I hope those little munchkins at school love every bite of the cookies and realize that the darned things are rockets, not fish!

Jack saw my shamrock cookies from the party yesterday, and after looking at the plate to choose the cookie he wanted, he picked one up and announced, “I pick this one, Mama.  It is the best Christmas tree!”

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patrick’s Day

Fun: Watching Jack discover the joys of bubbling milk.

Not: Cleaning up the bubbles which pop back into milk - all over the table, and onto the clothes, and chair, and floor.


Fun: Playing at the play-center in Bellevue Square with Jack who was positively thrilled about being there.

Not: Looking for Jack when all of the children at the play center are also wearing green.


Fun: Getting an awesome green bagel from Lisa and making an egg sandwich for lunch just like Katie and Sarah had.

Not: No “not.”  That was just fun!


Fun: Getting lots of compliments at Dock and Nana’s party on the looks and taste for these shamrock cookies (thanks for the recipe Becca and Nigella Lawson).

Not: Having some cookies left over at home paired with my poor self-control.


Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Grady was fussy today while I was feeding him his carrots.  He was still opening his mouth for bites (which he stanchly refused to do for the apples) so I knew he wanted the food.  Feeding him faster worked at first, but he never quite stopped fussing while I fed him.

Owen: Mom, It doesn’t sound like he’s enjoying that very much.

Jack: I think he wants his mama. ‘cause sometimes when you cry, you want your mama.

I loved these comments for several reasons:

  1. I love that my monkeys are concerned for Grady.
  2. Owen’s comment means that he has actually heard me when I have said the very same quote to him and his brother (quite a few times).
  3. I love that Jack still concludes that someone who is crying wants his mama because that means that he wants his mama when he cries.

For all of those also concerned about Grady, we think he is teething…

Monday, March 15, 2010

Grady Laugh

Grady thought our fading Mylar balloon was quite funny.   Does it get cuter than this?

Sunday, March 14, 2010

“This Is Cute”

Owen’s quote when he saw this toy at the store today.IMAG0031

We will not be buying anything “cute” in the near future.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Lazy or Good Friends?


The Philipsens kindly invited us to dinner tonight.  When it was time to go to their house, we were still in our pajamas.  I talked my lazy self into going “as is.”  I told myself it was because they were such good friends that they would love us anyway.  I am not sure if I convinced myself or not…

When Food Is That Good

Last Night (Alas, I cannot say “this evening” as I missed out on my window of time for yesterday’s blog…)  So, Last night Deanna, Kevin, Eric and I went to The Triple Door to see Mike Doughty.  One of the best part of having The Triple Door as a venue is the FOOD!  which is served from the restaurant upstairs – Wild Ginger.  You can order from Wild Ginger’s menu and the servers bring the food down to your booth while you watch the entertainment.  The Wild Ginger is my favorite restaurant so it just doesn’t get better than that!

I didn’t realize that Kevin also felt so enthusiastic about the food until last night.  We ordered a second round of food, yes, a second round; and piled up our plates.  We all started to dig in when Kevin announced that he could not find his fork.  The servers are pretty busy and the room is dark because of the concert so there is not much chance of calling the attention of a waiter.  So unless they decide to come to your table anyway, you are out of luck.  Which Kevin was as they had just served our food and asked if we wanted something else.  (we didn’t)

I handed a huge serving spoon over to Kevin, and he began eating with it.  I was just trying to be funny, but the food is that good.  I wouldn’t have waited for a new fork either. 

After a few more songs, a heard Deanna laughing, and looked over.  Kevin had found his fork.  He had been so excited about getting the food onto his plate, that he had just piled it on.  The fork was hiding below the food.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

A Man After My Own Heart

Late this afternoon I was folding laundry and gave Jack the job of finding matches to socks.  Jack gave the job right back to me saying that he was far too tired and far too little for the job.  I encouraged him to match just three pair “because you’re three.” (My favorite trick with him right now.) And of course, when he did that, I suggested he match just three more pair...IMG_6780

Eric arrived home from work while Jack and I were still doing our chores and charged in to tickle Jack and wrestle with him.  As Jack was screeching with delight, he glanced around and suddenly yelled, “Daddy, stop!  You’re messing up my socks!”

Jack continued to work on his “sock line” until it reached across the room and down the hall with 26 pair of socks (only 4 of which were not mine…)  He was so proud.  And so was I.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010



Jack chose this to wear today when we went to the park.  (Yes, that is a short sleeved pajama top and a tie.) Oh, and it was about 40 degrees at the park, but he refused to cover it up with a coat.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Boys’ Dreams

At bedtime tonight I was reading Madeline to the boys.


It is a sweet book and has some great drawings of important places in Paris.  I thought if the boys recognized some landmarks, our trip to Paris this summer might be more fun.  (or, more precisely, I want to go to certain landmarks in Paris, and it will be much easier to go where I want to go if the boys think they want to go too.  Which is why we also read a book about Gargoyles – so they will also want to see Notre Dame…)

Anyway, in this book, little Madeline wakes up in the night and has to have her appendix out.  Later she shows her friends her scar on her stomach.  The boys wanted to know what a scar was; so I quickly explained the word and added that Owen has a scar on his forehead from the cut he got that was stitched up a while ago.

Not to be outdone by Owen, Jack launched into his own story about how he got his own “very big” scar (you know, back in ‘nam…  Seriously, is this where old-man fish stories start?  At three-years-old??) 

Mama: You have a scar?  Where is it?

Jack: (looking frantically about trying to find an appropriate spot on his body.)

Mama:  (changing tactics to lead Jack to the truth rather than to another “fish-story”) Are you telling a story about yourself, or are you trying to tell what you would like to have happen?

Jack: I’m saying that I want a scar.  I really, really want a scar!

Boys’ dreams…

Monday, March 8, 2010

The End of the Day

At bedtime Jack asked Eric if he would read Curious George. 

Eric: I can only read Curious George if it is a day of the week that ends in ‘day’.

[far away look from Jack and Owen]

Mama: What day of the week is it today?

Owen: Monday.

Mama: And MonDAY ends with DAY, so it is a: Curious George day!

Owen and Jack: Yeah!!!!!

Eric: And what days of the week come next?

Owen: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.

Eric: Yes, TuesDAY, WednesDAY, ThursDAY, and FriDAY.  Do those days end with DAY?

Owen. [Disappointed look]  No, those days end with night.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

10 Years

0038 - Julie in Wedding Dress

This summer Eric and I will celebrate our tenth wedding anniversary by returning to Corfu, Greece – where we were married.  Our wedding took place on a little beach that you can only access by boat, and we are planning to return.

It is so strange to think that this was me on my wedding day ten years ago!

Saturday, March 6, 2010


Yesterday, while watching Katie, Sarah, Grady and my boys, Katie suggested that I might not be in touch as a mother (my words, not hers) when I insisted that she wear a helmet while riding her bike.

It is funny how a four-year-old can make you question your judgment, no matter how confident you felt only a few minutes before. (It was true that several of the other kids were riding without their helmets.)

Later in the day I asked the kids to do something, and I heard Katie say to Owen, “Let’s listen to your mom, because moms have really good ideas.  Especially your mom.”

Now who would question the judgment of that four-year-old?

Friday, March 5, 2010

How About Five?

Today my friend Lisa and her husband were not feeling well, so I picked up their daughters from school and we played in the school’s back parking lot for a few hours so that Katie and Sarah’s parents (and their grandma) could get some much needed rest.

While the four-year-olds were still in school, I ran home and got bikes, lunches, markers, workbooks, sidewalk chalk, balls and blankets and threw them all in my car. 

Another mom picked up Katie and Sarah’s bikes for me, and we all played in the lot.  By the time our impromptu party got into full swing, there were twelve kids romping around riding bikes, eating, blowing bubbles and chasing each other.  (All within the confines of – my ingeniously created – orange cone and party streamer boundary markers.)  The adults entertained themselves by passing Grady around and seeing who could make him smile (a game where everyone is a winner!)  


The teacher in me never misses an opportunity…after all of the other families left, I pulled out a classroom-sized paper and my handy sharpie and we figured out important words to use in Get-Well cards. IMG_6744

Rode bikes again.IMG_6752

Now lets write the alphabet!IMG_6742

Grady is exhausted after entertaining all the parents and then watching the kids ride and run around. IMG_6746

The other parents all lasted only an hour, but we kept partying!  Four Curious George books, five lunches, ten snacks, hundreds of bike-rides around the parking lot, and three hours later, we called it a day.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Worth it?

Disneyland looks really expensive.  Is it really worth it?  Anyone have any strong opinions? 

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Some Things We Did Today

taped our feet together


rode bikes

IMG_6667    IMG_6670

discovered pedals are not permanently attached


tried out new swings


ate salad and pizza with Kris, Stephen (and Grady)IMG00256-20100303-1804

bought (and ate) tiny adorable cupcakesIMG_6740

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Owen’s Accomplishment

Owen asked us to take the training wheels off of his bike recently.  We did, and took him to the park a couple of times to practice, and while he has been amazingly balanced – much better than we anticipated- he was frustrated that he couldn’t ride by himself yet.  He started begging us to put his training wheels back on.  Eric and I were hesitant to put them back on- worried that Owen’s view of the experience would make him unlikely to want to take them off again.

Today we met Charlotte and Bridget for a little bike ride.  I was hoping Owen would have some success today – a few seconds of riding unassisted- which he did immediately (Well, immediately after I returned from running home to get his bike – which I forgot to bring…)  He rode beautifully on the straight sections, but was nervous about the tight turns he had to take in the space we were in.  We moved to the elementary school blacktop playground, and he was off!  He was so proud of himself.

Tonight at dinner he told Eric and I that he never wants his training wheels put back on again. 


I took a little video, but haven’t figured out how to get it to work on the blog yet.

Monday, March 1, 2010

My Kind of Beautiful

Some of you may know that I like socks.

This pile was Jack’s contribution to laundry folding today.  He did all of this by himself! (sort, match, fold, stack!)

Can this mother be more proud?


(These are Eric’s socks and not Smartwool, but I can still appreciate them!)


I just added the following photo because I like it.  Owen has worn this costume every day for several days now.  (What is super funny is that Owen thinks Star Wars is a math game for his Leapster, and has no clue who Darth Vader is.)


I am sure the Dark Side will reveal itself soon…IMG_6556