Friday, March 5, 2010

How About Five?

Today my friend Lisa and her husband were not feeling well, so I picked up their daughters from school and we played in the school’s back parking lot for a few hours so that Katie and Sarah’s parents (and their grandma) could get some much needed rest.

While the four-year-olds were still in school, I ran home and got bikes, lunches, markers, workbooks, sidewalk chalk, balls and blankets and threw them all in my car. 

Another mom picked up Katie and Sarah’s bikes for me, and we all played in the lot.  By the time our impromptu party got into full swing, there were twelve kids romping around riding bikes, eating, blowing bubbles and chasing each other.  (All within the confines of – my ingeniously created – orange cone and party streamer boundary markers.)  The adults entertained themselves by passing Grady around and seeing who could make him smile (a game where everyone is a winner!)  


The teacher in me never misses an opportunity…after all of the other families left, I pulled out a classroom-sized paper and my handy sharpie and we figured out important words to use in Get-Well cards. IMG_6744

Rode bikes again.IMG_6752

Now lets write the alphabet!IMG_6742

Grady is exhausted after entertaining all the parents and then watching the kids ride and run around. IMG_6746

The other parents all lasted only an hour, but we kept partying!  Four Curious George books, five lunches, ten snacks, hundreds of bike-rides around the parking lot, and three hours later, we called it a day.

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