Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Road Trip to Alberta Canada

My brother is trading in 80 degree temperatures of Arizona for 8 degree temperatures of central Alberta.  Intrigued by the small town farm life that my brother was headed towards (and motivated to get his boxes out of my garage…) I agreed to drive him from Seattle to his new home near Edmonton, Alberta.

You know it is seriously cold when your car grows it’s own winter coat while you drive…IMG_5294

(an up-close view of the frozen water “fur”)


My brother’s new home is on a beautiful expanse of grass and thin trees.  Pregnant cows and hay bales dot the landscape.




The prego cows - Bobby will help deliver their calves this spring.IMG_5372IMG_5396

The drive both ways was dotted with animals through Jasper National Park.  We saw moose, elk, massive birds and the goats blocked the road in both directions.  (I think they are goats anyway)IMG_5398IMG_5401

I can’t wait to take Owen and Jack  for a visit this summer.  Though, for that trip, I will take more than one day to drive the 750 miles!