Monday, November 28, 2011

Cleaning Problems

Because of the promise of many days of sun this week, I decided that it was worth the money to get a carwash.  Jack loves the car wash so he and I went today before his gymnastics class. ( Jack invariably reminds me of the days when he was “little” where he would climb onto my lap during the carwash and cling to me – terrified of the brushes and wild blue tentacles that came too close for comfort.)

After the car wash, I transferred Jack to his gymnastics coach for his class and returned to the parking lot.  My car seemed to be missing.  I looked back and forth between the lonely three cars that were there and wondered where I had parked if not in front of the building.  Of course, the car two feet to my left WAS my car, I just didn’t recognize the color of it when it was clean…

I have lost my car in this same way every single time that I have cleaned it, but for some reason I never seem to learn my lesson.  Maybe it is because we rarely have several days of sun in a row, so my car is rarely clean…

Friday, November 25, 2011


I was in line at the fabric store today and noticed two fourteen-ish boys having some  fabric cut (camouflage fleece if you are wondering. )  I tried to imagine my monkeys at that age and wondered what they would be like.  It was a little weird to think about them being so old, but I do hope that my boys are nice – such un unknown time when you have to let your babies go out in the world and trust that they will take what you have taught them…

The boys got in line just after me, and I heard one exclaim to the other, “Seriously, thirty bucks for fabric?!?”

I had printed two coupons at home.  One for 25% off the entire order, and another for 50% off one item.  I had quite a few small items, and after some mental math realized that each coupon would reduce my total by $2.  Since I could only use one coupon, I turned around and gave the 50% off one item to the boy behind me.

He was very polite and thanked me several times.  “This is great!” he exclaimed after doing his own mental math. (His polite manner gave me hope for my boys…)

“Coupons aren’t SO bad, you see.” I joked, “And I used Google to find this one, so I know you would also be able to find one in the future.”

The boy laughed sheepishly and said, “My mom told me to do that, but I just…..I just didn't.”

(and yes, a voice in my head did scream to me that I was now really, truly, officially a mother since I was talking to this poor child that I don’t know and telling him how to be financially aware!!! – As if he did not already have to put up with his own mother telling him what to do!!)

Anyway, when I presented my coupon, the teller informed me that my coupon was only good until noon and I could not use it.  They boy quickly handed back my original coupon telling me that the 50% off one was good for the entire day and I should use it since it was mine to begin with. (More hope for my boys’ futures!!)  I quickly handed it back saying, “It will save me $2 but how much will it save you?” 

“Don’t tell her how much!” exclaimed the other boy.

I was strangely touched by these two boys who wanted to “do the right thing” and let me save my $2 even though they could save $15 by simply saying nothing and taking the coupon.  In the end, I left the coupon with they boys, and they saved their $15 while I spent $2 more.  But if felt like money well spent.  Since I had compared them (in my head) to my own boys, I felt some strange ownership in their well-being.  And I also felt some happiness that these boys represented my own boys  - who might be in a similar situation and would respond in a similar polite, and respectful way.

Thursday, November 24, 2011


I asked the monkeys if they wanted to make place cards this year, and Owen was immediately excited.  He remembered the corn ones that we made last year.  Owen had the idea of making turkeys.  He drew the body, cut them out, and colored them.  We used Jack’s fingerprints for the feathers and stapled them to the back.  Owen wrote names on the feet (print on one side and cursive on the other)IMG_1611

Owen had the idea to write something you are thankful for on each feather.  Unfortunately we forgot to do it when everyone was together, but Owen and Auntie Mimi and Jack did it together later in the day. (I cannot find where they went!  I will write their “answers” tomorrow if I find those turkeys…)

Owen and Jack were bored when Eric and I were cooking, but no guests had arrived.  They decided to draw pictures and Owen suggested that they each draw something about Thanksgiving.

Jack explained his picture to me as soon as he was finished.   “This is the kids’ table and chairs (orange and yellow) and this is Mama’s yummy fudge (brown squares.)”   Jack did not explain the other sections  - and so I am not sure what the blue thing is (though I would not be surprised in the least if it was a gun…)


I had seen Owen’s picture from a distance, but didn’t see it close-up until after the monkeys were in bed.

Owen’s picture as lots of labels - these include a list of all of those present:  “Great-Gma, Great-Gpa, Tommy, Lauren, Mamau, Mom, Dad, Owen, Jack, Mimi”  Other labels are:  “Indian,” “Pilgrim,” “Harvest,” and “Dinner” (written on the turkey!) IMG_1610

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Pumpkin Patch Tradition



IMG_44392009 (this was around the time that when we had the four kids together,  people would stop to take photos of the kids thinking they were quadruplets)


2007 – we went out of town :)

Picture 106

2006 –This year Katie and Sarah didn’t know how cool the pumpkin patch could be.  Owen and I were at the pumpkin patch with Kris and they just  happened to be there at the same time.  Both girls were crying and wanted to leave the cold, wet, dirty place.  Owen brought them pumpkins to hold – I guess  to explain how the pumpkin patch worked-  Sarah was sort of convinced.  Katie – not so much…  Picture 110

Friday, November 4, 2011

New Sleeping Arrangements

When the monkeys were three and four, we bought bunk beds for them.  The beds could also be put together as separately, and that was the way we planned to use them.  But buying them this was an economical way to buy two beds, and it was fun to have the option for later.

This summer the monkeys slept in bunk beds while on vacation to Hood Canal.  Eric and I were very surprised that they went to sleep after talking for only a few minutes, and Jack did not get too upset that he was not allowed on the top bunk.

So after several begging sessions by the boys, Eric and I decided that we would give it a go. 



The experiment has been great so far.  The casual threat of disassembly has quelled the half-hour of talking and giggling that happened on the first few nights.  Also, Jack doesn’t seem too phased that he isn’t allowed on the top bunk at all.  Eric and I thought he would do best with a  firm rule rather than a changing one (like- you can only go on the top bunk when ___).  I showed Jack how he can make a secret fort on his bed by hanging blankets from Owen’s bunk.  I think Jack feels like he has the better of the two beds…

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Halloween Costumes

The other day, Katie and Sarah’s grandma gave me an article on how to make no-sew superhero costumes and add-ons (like belts) made of fabric and colored duct tape.

I was totally inspired by the idea and decided to make a cape and belt for the monkeys.  I couldn’t quite bring myself to settle with a taped together cape (and my mom left her sewing machine at my house accidentally- oh boy!) so I went full board and took the monkeys to the fabric store to pick out cape material.

The monkeys were excited and decided that they would wear their capes for Halloween.  When the materials added up to $30 at the check-out I was glad for their decision!  So much for a cheap costume…

Anyway, I decided that when I made the capes I would try everything I wanted to do even if it sounded hard. This was really my first serious sewing project – so I had pretty low expectations. (But 4 and 6 year olds are easy to please – so I figured I could mess up lots of stuff and they would still be excited )

Owen wanted a Spiderman cape,  and he picked two fabrics, so I made a reversible cape that goes over his shoulders.  Since Spiderman doesn’t really have a cape, I had to make up his “symbol” to put on the back.  IMG_0937IMG_0948

I stitched a web and a spider on a plain black shirt to finish Owen’s costume, and we made belts out of duct tape and velcro.IMG_0969IMG_0977IMG_0988IMG_0976

Jack’s cape is a much simpler shape – and not reversible, but the “S symbol” is actually sewed separately.  I cut the red S out of the satin, and sewed it to some yellow felt – it took forever!  Then I sewed that to the cape using this really wide stitch that probably isn’t meant to be used that way- there were so many little holes from the needle, that I was afraid I had made something close to that part of notebook paper where it is perforated and easy to rip out of the notebook.  I worried that the black line around the S would rip easily, but it has survived LOTS of wear and tear from Jack so far!   Also, I think I used an entire spool of black thread on that section!!!  IMG_0940

Overall, the boys were happy, and I was pretty impressed at how well everything came out. 

This photo is just too sweet to leave out!IMG_1003

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Both of my monkeys have love dressing up in “fancy” clothes for a long time.  If I will iron a shirt, they will wear a tie (and sometimes Jack will clip one on to a t-shirt and insist on wearing it.) Last year one of them cried when they found out that I had not bought a tie and jacket for Thanksgiving.  I felt so bad, I bought suits for them for Christmas pictures.  I thought they would be so excited when they saw them, but Owen’s face fell when I handed him the tie.  He lamented, “If only we had had these for Thanksgiving!”

I think their love for “fancy” clothes is particularly funny since Eric and I rarely dress up.  We both wear jeans on thanksgiving and most other holidays.  The boys really don’t see anyone dressed up either – we don’t go to church and there is hardly anyone in a collared shirt at Eric’s work.  One day, Eric put on a button-up collared shirt and Owen said, “Oh Daddy, you are wearing a ‘John’ shirt!”  (John being Katie and Sara’s dad who wears a collared shirt to work every day.)

The other day I stopped by Janie and Jack to see what they had.  The boys have recently decided that they are “too old” for any of the shirts from that store, but I was hoping to find a pair of pants for Jack and spend the remainder of a gift card that I had.

Right away Jack found a black blazer on the sale rack from the store’s “summer wedding collection” for boys.  He begged for it.  “It’s on sale, please please please, Mama.”  I gave in, hopping that I can find something coordinating for Owen for Christmas.

I put the blazer in the far back of Jack’s closet, but Jack has pulled that darned thing out so many times- I felt mean saying no again.  I figure that its better to get lots of use out of it before it is too small, so I gave in last Saturday and ironed a shirt to go with it.

Owen had a birthday party to attend at an ice skating rink so I grabbed my camera to get a few photos of Jack while we had some one-on-one time.  While Jack is not always thrilled about listing to my photo suggestions, I did not have to give one.  He was beyond thrilled to show off his style.  And his poses and moves are his own…



Does my 4-year-old have style or what!?