Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Zoo Lights

We visited the Point Defiance evening Zoo Lights tonight.  Eric and I have taken the monkeys for several years now.   Owen was a little hesitant to drive for an hour to see Christmas lights.  Even the promise of listening to the audio book, “Ramona the Brave,”  during the car-ride didn’t convince him.  I was happy when we drove up and he said, “These are beautiful!”

Jack thought the lights were interesting, but was mostly happy because he was bundled up in lots of warm clothes (including SmartWool socks, of course…), his favorite hat, and his special blanket.   The icing on the cake for Jack was that he got to veg in the stroller all evening.  His exercise was tipping his head back to catch the snow/hail that fell on and off while we were there.  Oh, and looking at the camera (can you feel the love??)IMG_6639



After about 15 minutes Owen declared the lights “boring.” 

Mama:  I thought  you thought the lights were beautiful.

Owen:  Oh, they are beautiful.  They are beautiful but they are boring too.

We moved on to hot chocolate.


And a carousel ride.


My favorite part of the night was when Owen agreed to trade horses with Jack.  Owen was on a cool knight themed horse that Jack decided he really liked.  Jack was on a not-so-cool seahorse.  Owen disliked the seahorse and thought it was girly and really did not want to ride on it.  But he saw that Jack really wanted to trade and gave in – simply to please his brother.  Owen is such a great brother!


Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Mean Games

Tonight was Eric’s extended-family get together.  We all met at Marc’s new house  (and  it was awesome to have 20 people there and still have lots of room for the monkeys to run around and play.  They lasted until after 10PM with no melt downs or signs of tiredness.  I was really impressed…)

We have always played a rousing game of White Elephant at these events.  Up until tonight, the monkeys have been either too young/oblivious or were simply asleep during this event, but Owen was well aware of it this year.

Eric and I each bought Nerf guns with foam bullets as our gift.(There are lots of teenagers at the party…)

When Owen and Jack saw me wrapping the guns, they were very excited.  Presents!  I tried to explain that only the adults were playing the game.  That didn’t go over too well.  So, I added that Owen and Jack wouldn’t like this game.  They were not convinced.  I finally had to tell them that White Elephant was a game that was really mean and that people stole your presents when you played.  That satisfied Jack who was no longer interested.  Owen however, needed more information.  He wanted to know how a game with such mean rules could exist!? 

In the end Owen had enough understanding that there was still the possibility of  returning home with the guns.  He didn’t really understand why we would want to play, but the guns were just too tempting to talk Eric or I out of playing.

Before the game (and several times during the game - when Owen could break himself away from the Lego kit that he was building), Owen suggested that I open the gun on my turn.  He also suggested that I hide it behind my back after my turn was over. 

He wasn’t too pleased when I stole a $25 movie gift card for my initial turn, but was quite excited when someone stole the card from me on the next round.  He jumped up and pointed to the present I had wrapped at home.  I opened up the gun and Owen came over to pat it.  “Do you get to keep it now?”  he asked. 

A few turns later, the gun was stolen from me and Owen’s disappointment was obvious on his face.  I could imagine his little brain repeating the rules of White Elephant to comfort the disappointment he was surely feeling…  Suddenly he jumped up and was so excited because it had dawned on him that there was still another wrapped gun left.  How could I not pick it? 

Owen watched the game closely after that.  He was again worried when he saw me handing the gun away near the end of the game.  His worry turned into pleasure when he realized that the thief was his daddy.  Suddenly Owen had a new best friend… 

At the end of the game we had one gun and a Trump board game that has been showing up in this White Elephant for years and years.  The monkeys were so excited that we got even one of the guns [after my bleak picture of the probable outcome of the game] that they actually agreed to share it.  As I opened it for Owen to use first, the other gun appeared in Jack’s hands.  Eric’s Aunt Hazel, who raised her own brood of three boys, had mercy on me (or maybe she wanted to keep it out of the hands of her husband…I  don’t know).  All I know is that it ended very happily for my two little monkeys.

Oh, but the secret best part of the party???  Marc’s dryer!  It is a “steam dryer” so I brought over my duvet cover and washed and dried it.  Do you know how exciting it is to have a duvet cover come out of the dryer with virtually NO wrinkles?!?!  Well, if not, just be excited about the Nerf guns then…

Saturday, December 25, 2010



This year’s Christmas celebrations have been fun and more relaxing than they I have had in quite a long while!  We always squish so many get-togethers in that it often feels really hectic.  But it didn’t this year.

We had an awesome night with my side of the family on Christmas eve. 

I sent my dad’s gift on time and remembered to record the monkeys opening his gifts.

Christmas morning with the four of us was perfect (especially as Eric and I woke up at 7:30 – BEFORE the monkeys; well not including the midnight and 3:30 wake ups…)

And Eric’s family Christmas was the perfect mix of traditional and untraditional.  When I have time to look at the photos, maybe the events will make the blog.

For now, here is a little help for those who got  a Christmas card from us, with very very very tiny font.  Or for those who do not wish to try to figure out the tune…

(I am NOT a singer.  This is for fun only!)

Sleigh bells ring – Two thousand and ten.

Here we are, singing again.

We’ll tell you our news.

We’ll try to amuse.

Walk you though another happy year.

Our family took a 5-week trip to Europe.

To celebrate 10 years for E and J.

England, France, Corfu, onto Scotland.

The best 5 weeks we’ve had along the way.

Spent a night in a castle.

Corfu villa – what a hassle!

British Airways – such stress.

France and Disney – success!

Walking through another happy year.

Owen now is braving kindergarten.

Telling Mrs. Perry what to do.

Building awesome projects with his Lego.

But only Star Wars Lego kit will do.

Follows rules, likes a schedule.

Loves to help and be useful.

Has a beautiful heart.

He’s kind, and he’s smart.

Walking through another happy year.

Jack loves garbage truck and also Star Wars,

costumes, reading, copying his bro.

Fancy clothes and helping out with Mom’s chores.

running, yelling, sneaking, on the go.

Funny boy, keeps us laughing.

Tired of Mom’s photographing.

He loves his preschool.

Thinks his teacher’s are cool.

Walking through another happy year.

Stay in touch, we’ll be listening.

So your news won’t be missing.

You can follow our day;

see what we have to say.

Blogging through another happy year.


Eric’s blog -

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Message To Santa

We rarely talk about Santa, and he only brings things for the stockings in our house.  We have never gone to visit Santa.  But, Jack has expressed interest in talking to Santa this year.  Owen looks horrified when Jack brings the subject up – especially if Santa is in close proximity.  Owen is definitely NOT interested in meeting Santa.

It seems a little strange to take Jack to meet Santa without taking Owen too, and I am rarely out with just Jack, so I haven’t really thought much about it. Until tonight.

Jack: When I am sleeping and Santa comes, can you tell him to wait because…No, tell him, “Fill Jack and Owen and mines stockings then wait for this many (holds up 5 fingers) NO – this many (holds up 10 fingers) seconds.  Wait because Jack wants to meet you.”  Ok, Mama? 

I look doubtful. 

Me: Well, I can tell him, I guess.  I mean, if I see him.  But I am usually sleeping too.

Jack: (disappointed) Oh.

Jack: (he perks up)  Is Daddy awake?

I couldn’t confirm that Eric would be. 

Am I depriving my poor child?  If I take Jack to see Santa, I wonder what to suggest that he should ask for?   “Oh Jack – you should ask for a candy cane, some bubble tape and some Matchbox cars!  Oh, and a tiny Lego set, some gold coins and a pair of Smartwool socks!”  Somehow I don’t think that would go over very well…

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Owen Steps Up…Then Down

Owen has been on the receiving end of Jack’s angry frustration several times in the past few days.  Three days ago, Jack’s response to some teasing from Owen was to scratch Owen’s forehead hard enough to make it bleed.  Two days ago, Jack threw a large block at Owen’s head when screaming at Owen to stop teasing him was not successful.  The encounter with the block left Owen in tears with a swelling mark in need of  an ice-pack on the other side of his forehead.

While Jack spent some time in his room, Owen and talked about his role in the incidents.  Obviously there is no excuse for Jack’s behavior, but I wanted Owen to be aware that he did have some control over future situations. For instance, he could refrain from telling Jack  untrue things such as, “Mama told me that she is going to give me a cupcake after lunch, but she isn’t giving one to you.” Or, “You can never come into my room again for the rest of your life.”  These “jokes” (as Owen calls them) are very upsetting to Jack who takes them as gospel…especially when followed up by, “Well, it’s true! It really is.”   (As a general rule, I know boys in my house are NOT telling the truth if one follows up his sentence with, “Well, it’s true.” or “That is the truth.”)

I knew that what I said to Owen may or may not be effective.  Owen is a good listener and takes thing to heart, but I am starting to wonder about the role of mothering.  We have been reading the chapter books by Beverly Cleary about Henry Higgens and Ramona Quimbley – written in the 1950’s.   And it seems that my kids do very similar(naughty) things that the kids did back then.  And, in turn, I say very similar things to my children that the mothers in those books say to their children.  Can that be right?

Anyway, yesterday Jack ran up to me happily yelling, “Mama! Mom!  Owen gave me a five-dollar quarter!”  He held up a quarter for me to see.  Owen explained a few minutes later, “I asked Jack to give me my [stuffed] penguin back, and he was about to throw it.  But then, he just handed it right to me.  That was so nice  that I decided to give him a quarter.”  Owen nodded in earnest - then turned to Jack and said, “I am so proud of you for giving me the penguin right away, Jack!”

“Yeah, me too!”  Jack beamed.

(I cannot account for why the quarter was a “five-dollar quarter.”)

Throughout the afternoon, Jack slowly accumulated 5 or 6 quarters.  Every once in awhile Owen would tell me the great behavior that had earned Jack a coin.  I occasionally over-heard Owen’s sing-song praises to Jack.  Owen sounded like me on a very good day and I wondered if I should just put him in charge since he was so successful.  Several hours later, Jack had a handful of quarters and a handful of dimes.  Peace reigned in the household. Owen, an enthusiastic sign maker, put this on his door – indicating that all members of the household were permitted to enter his room.IMG_6436

I really should end the story there because it is so cute and happy.  But of course, quarters and dimes do not grow on trees – I am sure that statement rings a bell…  There  came a point when Owen ran out of coins and Jack, having grown accustomed to being paid for compliance, ran out of incentive.  And then Owen ran out of patience.

Suddenly an Owen-sized handprint in a unhappy shade of pink appeared on Jack’s back. 

Soon this sign appeared on Owen’s door…IMG_6437

Monday, December 20, 2010


When Eric and I had our first Christmas together we realized that we had no decorations.  As starving college students, we didn’t have money to spend on much.  While shopping for presents for our families, we came upon an ornament that we both liked that was in a clearance bucket.  We looked at it for a long time wondering why it was clearanced several weeks before Christmas. I remember it taking us quite a while to figure it out… It was not missing a leg at the time.


We bought just that one ornament that year.  For a tree, we hung green ribbon on the wall crossing back and forth down the wall until it made a small triangular tree shape.  

Over the next few years, we bought one ornament each year to add to our collection.  At some point there was a year in which we couldn’t agree on one ornament, so we each chose one.  That became the tradition.

On Owen’s first Christmas, his Nana and Dock bought him this ornament.IMG_6395

Eric and I had already bought an ornaments for our tree that year, but not one for Owen.  N&D’s ornament made us decide that it would be fun for Owen to also have his own ornaments that he could take when he had his own tree.  When my brother and sister and I were children, my grandparents had bought each of us an ornament each year.  It was a great tradition, which I really love.  Eric and I added writing the date so that we could keep track, and when Jack was born, went back and wrote names on each ornament so we could remember which ornament belonged to who.

This was Jack’s first:IMG_6385

Apart from their very first year, both Owen and Jack have always picked their own ornament.  On their 2nd Christmas each of the monkeys picked up an ornament and screamed when I tried to put the ornament back.  I figured that was choosing for a 1 or 2 year old.  Owen’s is a glass snow globe – not sure how many years that will last… Jack’s was a clay snowman with a bell – much more appropriate.


2007  -  Owen (plane)                             Jack (snowman)


2008 Owen (red train)   - Jack (lion)


2009  Owen (red train – again)  -   Jack (red plane)IMG_6389IMG_6386

2010 – They monkeys chose the same ornament this year, and I wrote their name on it.  I actually had to purchase three  of these ornaments after Jack held one of them by the string and swirled it over his head pretending he was a helicopter and it was a blade.  Apparently the ornaments are not meant for that kind of abuse and the sleigh flew off the string and across the store and broke…


This year the monkeys were especially excited to hang up their very own ornaments.  They delighted in pulling them out of the box and remembering the circumstances that brought them to buy the ornament.  They loved hearing about how their first ornament was chosen.  They loved that they “forced” us to buy their second ornament.  They loved that they have chosen everything afterward.  I love having a little piece of my babies from all the stages of their lives. (I doubt that I will be able to part with the ornaments when they are older.)

Did you figure out what was wrong with the poor first Santa.  Yeah, he has no arms.  We love him anyway…

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Gingerbread Houses

This afternoon I went to Benaroya Hall and watched Handle’s Messiah with my Mama.  It was beautifully done, and – except for the part where I tried to close my eyes and listen to the music and accidentally fell asleep- I enjoyed all of it.  It was really nice to do a grown-up activity with my mama!

Afterwards, our family went to John and Lisa’s house for dinner.  Yummy pomegranate champagne and beautiful appetizers (as always).  We had such fun that we didn’t end up leaving until almost ten.  We will see how the boys respond to that bedtime…

The best part of the evening was when we made gingerbread houses...

For the past few years I have spent countless hours making gingerbread from scratch, cutting out the pieces, and attempting to make houses with them.  I have had several near-disasters – Jack turning the mixer on with the beater up and all of the dough flying throughout the kitchen; uneven dough that doesn’t fit together, under-cooked pieces that collapse under the weight of the candy…Each year has been slightly more successful, but never quite the way that I would have hoped. 

This year I went with kits.  The kits have traveled around in my car for several weeks, and I finally took them out today.  So, of course, I did not have them when I got to Lisa’s house…

Luckily Lisa had two extra sets left over from last year.  I pulled one of last year’s sets out of the box and let Eric start building it.  Next, I opened the box from this year that was exactly the same brand and shape except that it had been pre-assembled.   I brought it to the table where Eric was working.  His jaw dropped when he saw the house.  “You have got to be kidding me!” he said in disbelief.  After a second it dawned on me that he thought I had just built this gingerbread house(much faster than he had).  So of course I played along…"Gees, aren’t you done with that yet?” I asked scornfully then walked away snickering.  Eric’s highly competitive brain kicked in and he growled as the four walls of his house each fell outwards as he let them go to reach for the roof piece.

I snickered again and handed John the other prebuilt gingerbread house to open.  He quickly took the wrapping off and carried it over to the table where Eric was working.  I had to turn my back and try to control the shaking from the laughter when Eric yelled, “Seriously!!?!”

The last house was from the year before and needed to be built.  I carried it over to the table and began working.  This was the downfall of my joke.  I had hoped that Eric’s panic at being so far behind would make him too paranoid to work fast.  That was true.  Unfortunately, I overestimated my ability to assemble a gingerbread house…  It didn’t take long for Eric to see that something was not quite right.   He accused me of having some pre-built houses.  My sarcastic reply that it was “super likely that two of the identical gingerbread houses just happened to come pre-assembled, and the others did not” was good in tone, but didn’t hold up to the test of Eric’s finger touching the dry icing on the other houses…

Oh well, it was fun while it lasted…

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Jack’s Christmas Program

Jack was thrilled today to be performing in the show that he has watched Owen do for two years now.  Owen has been excited to watch the show as well, and asked if  he could go a few weeks ago. 

Owen: Mama, you know that thing where you put on a hat and sing and the parents come at my old school?  If Jack does that, I really need to go!

So I decided to  (wait for it, Rob) pull Owen out of school early to watch the performance.  Jack appreciated the brotherly love – listen for his shout-out to Owen during the show.

Jack had a whole entourage to support him- me, Eric, Owen, Uncle Marc, Mamau, Great-Grandma, Nana, and Tyler.  We took up almost the entire first row!  We all were thrown many kisses from the little ham up on stage.

On Jack’s request he wore his dress pants and shirt, his tie, and his vest.  (Owen was quite put out when he found out he had to wear “not-fancy” clothes for the day…)

This video is dedicated to Great-Grandpa and Grandma Mary and Auntie Mimi who weren’t able to make it but really wanted to be there.

Jack–Christmas show 2010

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Santa’s Elves

Jack and Owen had their holiday recital for Gymnastics this weekend.  Jack was very excited as it is the first time he has been old enough to perform. 

Forgive my terrible focusing job on Jack’s video.

Mama: Jack, you did so great up there!  Was it fun?

Jack:  It was a little bit fun.

Mama:  It was a little bit fun?  What was the rest of it?

Jack: Scary!!

Before the show Jack was very nervous about leaving me and only when to the “backstage” because Owen could go with him.

Owen was not with any of his classmates in the performance and had another teacher to follow rather than his normal teacher.  He was more nervous than I expected he would be. He was so serious and kept very focused on the teacher even though he had practiced and knew the moves pretty well.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Capt’n Sharky

Last Saturday was Jack’s 4th birthday party with a pirate theme.  Jack does not like ‘scary’ pirates and wanted a pirate party based on a German Pirate, Kapt’n Sharky, that we found while on our Big Big trip. We bought a nice hardback book (all in German, which we can’t read) but the monkeys and I have “read” it many times.  All we know for sure is that Capt’n Sharky is a good pirate and he fights the baddies.

There is a GREAT deal of pirate themed party stuff out there, but it is, of course, all ‘scary.’  So, I spend an unreasonable time making my own things for the party.  An insanely unreasonable amount of time – but it was fun.

Party favors made from stiff felt and sewn with embroidery floss.  (I stole this idea from Pottery Barn Kids thanksgiving settings)IMG_6090

The MapIMG_6091The map ended up being completely useless during the party – so glad I made two…

The party goers were greeted by this rhyme,IMG_6093

A pirate costume, IMG_6094

a ship to explore,IMG_6102

A sword to decorate with gems and silver sparkly foam,IMG_6116IMG_6108

Then new ‘clues’ appeared leading to new games…

Pin the Parrot on the PirateIMG_6095IMG_6120

Destroy the ‘baddies’ bombsIMG_6124

At first I was a little worried because the kids couldn’t pop the balloons. Seriously?  How is it my kids are often in tears from accidentally popping their balloons and these things we want to pop – won’t pop?!?!   I was just about to bring out some toothpicks to hand to the kids when Lisa said, “relax and just watch what happens!”  Super advice!  The kids had so much fun because it was a challenge. (Though Eric did sneak in and pop the last three with a toothpick.

baddie “bombs”

And here is poor baby Tyler who was just drifting off to dreamland in the back bedroom when the “bombs” were discovered… IMG_6139

On to Poison Pretzels where the pirates put on hooks (foil covered candy canes inserted into red plastic cups.) They used the hooks to move  a stash of pretzels from a bowl on one side of the table to a box on the other.   

The kids were not convinced that they were going to be harmed by the poison in the pretzels, and many kids abandoned their hooks and began eating the pretzels…IMG01317-20101204-1739

The next game was to use small catapults (that we made from popsicle sticks and clothes pins) to launch weighted ping-pong balls at enemy ships and their baddie pirates. The making of this game is an entire blog in itself…


We also had a Walk-the-Plank game where the pirates put their life on the line while walking the 8-foot plank at the great height of 4 inches -  surrounded with crocodiles/alligators… sideways, backwards, and eyes closed were popular techniques for walking the plank.IMG01309-20101204-1724

Then the treasure was discovered!

Treasure Found

We had dinner and a cake and then present time.  All the kids were very gracious at present time.  They all clambered around Jack excited to see what he got – no one sad that the presents weren’t for them.  Sweet Logan opened the packaging to a motorcycle that he bought for Jack, taking off all of those little twisty plastic-covered-wire-things that make most parents swear they will never buy a toy again (I may have to hire him on Christmas day…) 

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Reindeer Engine

On Friday we went to ride the Reindeer Engine.  Our friend Tom is a fire fighter and he and his family host a party at their house  each year and let the kids ride on a decked-out fire engine complete with a sleigh and Rudolph-the-Red-Nose-Reindeer on top.  Everyone brings food and drinks to share and the adults stand around and chat with the kids play football on the lawn (or at least tackle each other if they don’t quite get a game going.)   We have done this every year since Owen was a baby and it is a really fun tradition.

I didn’t get a photo of the whole engine, but here is the important part.  IMG_5957 The monkeys were especially excited to climb the ladder all by themselves.  IMG_5987


We also got to ride inside the engine.  I sat in a real seat while the monkeys sat on a tall platform in the middle of the truck.  IMG_5954IMG_5959They lay on their tummies looking out the front window.  Even though the engine simply drives around the block, the boys are thrilled by the adventure. Of course, Owen is never too thrilled; not enough to make him overlook rules…As Tom started driving the engine (at approximately 1/2 mph on the rarely-used residential road) he turned around and greeted the monkeys asking if they were having fun at the party.  Owen politely answered, “We are.”  Then, “Um, could you face forward please, so you don’t crash?”IMG_5982

Monday, December 6, 2010

Owen’s Christmas List

I can’t remember ever writing a Christmas list with Owen, but I often tell the monkeys, “Let’s add that to your birthday/Christmas list.”  (mostly to put a positive note on saying ‘no’ to something…)

I think Owen has been in awe of some of Jack’s birthday presents.  Tonight he decided to write a Christmas list . 

(I love his backwards letters and invented spelling!)IMAG0406

Cheetah Nai-nai-guy

Lego Star Wars

Star Wars Weapons

City Lego

Aircraft Carrier

Cart for shopping

Star Wars Costumes

Owen’s Christmas List

Friday, December 3, 2010

Five-Year-Old Funnies

Charlotte was at our house today for a few hours since she and Owen didn’t have school.  I was folding the origami boxes for the fudge, and asked if they wanted to sit down with me and make a box too.

After they had each made a box(quite impressive, I must say!), I suggested that they go up into Owen or Jack’s room and find something to put in the box.  Then I would ask them questions and try to guess what was inside.  (I felt slightly worried about my supervision skills over the last hour as I had let Charlotte play the Kinnect video game and then had let her play with toy guns with Owen – not exactly two things her mom is crazy about…I figured an educational-ish game might make up for it.)

They loved the idea and ran upstairs then returned quickly.  I asked them yes/no questions about their objects.  They were thrilled with knowing something that I didn’t know, and then equally thrilled with my correct final guess of their object.  They ran up and down the stairs many times bringing things like a turtle puppet, a mini Lego X-wing, a small train, a notebook, a fake credit card…After a while they graduated to gift bags to “hide” their object so they could hide bigger items.  After about 8 items each, they both came down giggling and their eyes sparkled. 

I was worried.

I asked my usual questions, is it soft/does it have wheels/is it an animal/is it made of paper… followed by new questions; would I like to touch it/is it disgusting?   I finally discovered that Owen’s item was a diaper(unused luckily).  Fits of laughter exploded from Owen and Charlotte, then they ran back upstairs.  They were still giggling when they returned – bags in hand.  Charlotte had a pair of underwear and Owen another diaper.  More ferocious laughter…  I commented that the game was turning quickly into a potty game which was, apparently, funnier than bringing down a diaper and a pair of underwear.  Owen’s next four objects were all diapers.  When you are five, jokes just get funnier each time you tell them – it was roll-on-the-floor-funny at this point…well, to some of us anyway.

When I suggested that they move on to another game, Owen brought the bag down, “Just one more time!”  After assuring me that the answer was not, “a diaper” I began to guess.  Surprise, surprise – it was a diaper AND underwear…


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Happy Birthday Jack!

One of the first things Jack did today was announce, “I’m four today!”

He ran downstairs and noticed the banner that said “Happy Birthday”, then the  “Jack” banner that we had hung over the fireplace.  He noticed the letters were decorated with Captain Sharky.  He did not notice the gifts that were sitting just at his feet as he looked at the banner.  After some prompting from Eric and I he finally clued in and opened them up - a light saber night light and a garbage truck book.

Jack got to choose the events of the day. He yelled, “Museum of Flight” without hesitation.  Owen spent two hours attempting to talk Jack into going to Build-a Bear to no avail. (Owen was hoping to hang out with Uncle Marc close by and earn $5 for doing some work with him…)

So after Jack demanded “fancy clothes” and they were produced, we were off to the museum.


The plane that Owen is in, is right in front of the of the one Jack is in.  They boys were yelling back and forth to each other as they “flew.”  The yelled to go faster, to slow down, to land, or turn.  I decided to take a video of their exchange…and ended up with a typical Jack-ism – a very polite announcement of impending harm…

I’m So Sorry I Bombed Your Plane

After the flight museum, we went to the monkey’s gymnastics.IMG_5948

Then to Starbucks for a hot chocolate.

Then to visit Auntie Mimi at her work. IMAG0395

Nap in the car on the way home.

We watched a Shaun the Sheep show then read books.

Jack requested that Daddy bring home teriyaki, from the place near his work, for dinner. 

We opened more presents; a small StarWars metal lunchbox and a big transportation Lego set with vehicles like the ones  we used on our Big Big Trip.  Owen was very proud to give you a Jengo Fett outfit. 

We played with Lego, then the whole family put Jack to bed.

Jack was very happy with all of his decisions of what to do today!


Dear Jack,

You are my baby, my dear sweet, out-side-the-box, crazy, unpredictable, affectionate boy.  You totally have me wrapped around your little finger, and though I know it, I don’t seem to be able to do anything about it.  Honestly, I am not sure I want to... I love your spirit – your unchecked way of expressing yourself.  You will yell that you don’t like me, then you will yell that you love me forever; and you mean both fully and truly at the time.

You have asked for several things for your birthday, none of which you truly want, I think.  It is that you adore your big brother Owen, and so you pick the things that he likes to play with.  Star Wars and Lego are on your list.  You do ask for garbage trucks too.  You already have quite an assortment of garbage trucks.  You still love them and we still watch them every Friday morning and pull the car over to watch them whenever we can – we did today!

What else is there to tell about you as you wrap up a year of being three?  You would eat crackers all day if I would let you.  You sometime curl up in bed on your own and take a nap.  You love cats – especially black ones.  You like to pretend you speak French.  You like to be loud – it is fun to you – a loud song, a loud sentence or a loud sound – doesn’t matter.  You also follow up sneaky sentences with a sly “I’m-so cute” grin.  And you are cute.

You are cute, and kind, and polite, and funny, and loving.  I am so glad you are in our family!