Sunday, December 12, 2010

Santa’s Elves

Jack and Owen had their holiday recital for Gymnastics this weekend.  Jack was very excited as it is the first time he has been old enough to perform. 

Forgive my terrible focusing job on Jack’s video.

Mama: Jack, you did so great up there!  Was it fun?

Jack:  It was a little bit fun.

Mama:  It was a little bit fun?  What was the rest of it?

Jack: Scary!!

Before the show Jack was very nervous about leaving me and only when to the “backstage” because Owen could go with him.

Owen was not with any of his classmates in the performance and had another teacher to follow rather than his normal teacher.  He was more nervous than I expected he would be. He was so serious and kept very focused on the teacher even though he had practiced and knew the moves pretty well.

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