Thursday, December 23, 2010

Message To Santa

We rarely talk about Santa, and he only brings things for the stockings in our house.  We have never gone to visit Santa.  But, Jack has expressed interest in talking to Santa this year.  Owen looks horrified when Jack brings the subject up – especially if Santa is in close proximity.  Owen is definitely NOT interested in meeting Santa.

It seems a little strange to take Jack to meet Santa without taking Owen too, and I am rarely out with just Jack, so I haven’t really thought much about it. Until tonight.

Jack: When I am sleeping and Santa comes, can you tell him to wait because…No, tell him, “Fill Jack and Owen and mines stockings then wait for this many (holds up 5 fingers) NO – this many (holds up 10 fingers) seconds.  Wait because Jack wants to meet you.”  Ok, Mama? 

I look doubtful. 

Me: Well, I can tell him, I guess.  I mean, if I see him.  But I am usually sleeping too.

Jack: (disappointed) Oh.

Jack: (he perks up)  Is Daddy awake?

I couldn’t confirm that Eric would be. 

Am I depriving my poor child?  If I take Jack to see Santa, I wonder what to suggest that he should ask for?   “Oh Jack – you should ask for a candy cane, some bubble tape and some Matchbox cars!  Oh, and a tiny Lego set, some gold coins and a pair of Smartwool socks!”  Somehow I don’t think that would go over very well…

1 comment:

  1. You should totally have taken him - but I think it's too late now :( ...You can let him ask for whatever he feels like...and if it's a secret then you can ask Santa AFTER what he said - haha - that's what I plan on doing. Grady LOVED Santa this year!
