Thursday, November 24, 2011


I asked the monkeys if they wanted to make place cards this year, and Owen was immediately excited.  He remembered the corn ones that we made last year.  Owen had the idea of making turkeys.  He drew the body, cut them out, and colored them.  We used Jack’s fingerprints for the feathers and stapled them to the back.  Owen wrote names on the feet (print on one side and cursive on the other)IMG_1611

Owen had the idea to write something you are thankful for on each feather.  Unfortunately we forgot to do it when everyone was together, but Owen and Auntie Mimi and Jack did it together later in the day. (I cannot find where they went!  I will write their “answers” tomorrow if I find those turkeys…)

Owen and Jack were bored when Eric and I were cooking, but no guests had arrived.  They decided to draw pictures and Owen suggested that they each draw something about Thanksgiving.

Jack explained his picture to me as soon as he was finished.   “This is the kids’ table and chairs (orange and yellow) and this is Mama’s yummy fudge (brown squares.)”   Jack did not explain the other sections  - and so I am not sure what the blue thing is (though I would not be surprised in the least if it was a gun…)


I had seen Owen’s picture from a distance, but didn’t see it close-up until after the monkeys were in bed.

Owen’s picture as lots of labels - these include a list of all of those present:  “Great-Gma, Great-Gpa, Tommy, Lauren, Mamau, Mom, Dad, Owen, Jack, Mimi”  Other labels are:  “Indian,” “Pilgrim,” “Harvest,” and “Dinner” (written on the turkey!) IMG_1610

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