Sunday, January 16, 2011


IMG_6998 For Grandma’s birthday I decorated the rooms with huge tissue “flowers” and tissue covered glass vases filled with candles.  It was so happy looking!  I also put out 15 photos mounted in frames from when my grandma 4 kids were still young.  These photos and frames were my grandma’s birthday gift from my mom.  She will hang them on a wall in my grandparents house.   IMG_7012


I laughed so hard when I first saw this photo.  I was trying to be artistic and take some food photos and my mom stuck her face in the way.  I actually really like the picture.  You’re so cute, Mama! 


The most exciting part of the party was that all of grandma’s kids were there with her at her party.  One lives here in Washington (my Mama), Uncle Steve flew in from New York, Uncle Paul flew in from Minnesota, and John “arrived” via our Kinect game and a laptop in London. 


Aren’t my grandparents so so sweet?  I LOVE them!IMG_7039________

My adorable sister gathered all of the poms at the end of the party.  She is going to use them  to decorate her office.  The bright colors fit her personality and it makes me happy to think of the little bursts of color hanging from her ceiling.  (Don’t worry Lisa, we will go pom crazy for your party next month!)IMG_7057


My mom’s gift photos:

Grandma and Grandpa in their 30’s 86170008bw

Grandpa and Uncle Paul86190102bw

Grandma 86200062bw

Kathy (my Mama), John, Steve, Paul88090048bw



Uncle Steve


Uncle Paul




Paul and Steve86170064bw

Grandma, Kathy, Steve, Paul000619190029bw

Grandma and Paul000619290039bw2

Grandma and (I think Steve but maybe Paul…)000619290006bw


The gang again86190038bw

Steve, Kathy, Paul86190031bw


  1. Oh gosh what a treat for your grandma! I love the picture of the boy and the cat. It's so...classic! You can throw a part for me any time! :)

  2. What an AMAZING party you threw for your Grandma - she will forever remember it Julie. Such a gift to her!!!! :)
