Friday, January 14, 2011


Tomorrow we are having a family birthday party for my grandma’s 80th birthday at our house.  Yesterday evening I was cleaning the guest bathroom and the monkeys wanted to join in. Jack was thrilled about helping to clean the toilet (I am sure that will last…)  Owen was honored to clean the sink.

This morning Owen informed me that he had made a note for the bathroom that told people not to use it.  I got a little nervous for a minute trying to figure out what that meant,  until Owen told me that he thought we should keep it really clean for the party.  He ran into the master bathroom to use it, but saw that I had just cleaned it and ran upstairs instead. 

When my mom came over later in the day, Jack wouldn’t let her use the guest bathroom. 

This bathroom protection cracks me up. 

Also, I didn’t realize how simple it was to have the monkeys want to keep something clean.  They just need to be the ones to clean it in the first place.  Hmm…I know that this rule doesn’t hold true of their bedrooms, but I wonder what other things  does works for.  I shall have to experiment…

1 comment:

  1. This is amazing, I wish I could have been there for the celebrations and CAKE! You are so good at parties for children AND grown ups!

    Happy Birthday Jooooooolie!!

    Love from your cousing in far-away India, the land of curries and traffic jams caused by cows.

    Miss you!

