Friday, September 3, 2010

Week Over

I am giddy that it is the weekend.  It was really helpful that the sun was blazing today, but the excitement was mostly because I will have my family for three days!  Jack could sense my good mood, and took advantage, having me stop at some {un}interesting thing in every aisle in the store we were in.  “Look at this cuddly bear.  Oh!  It is so soft.  Come back and feel it.”  “Follow me to this section, I need to show you something.”  And I felt; and I followed.  It seems like it is high time for Jack to have a turn to lead.

When Owen was one and two Eric and I would often follow him around parks and stores in crazy patterns like those Family Circus cartoons from the Sunday paper.

[Cartoon a la Keane] Poor Jack didn’t get to be followed around since we were already following Owen around when Jack was one, and had to follow Owen’s preschool schedule and Jack’s nap schedule when Jack was two – too busy to dilly-dally on many errands…

Jack doesn’t seem to mind taking his turn at three.  He is simply thrilled with the turn.  And I am happy to let him be care-free now that we have the luxury.

It almost makes me look forward to Wednesday when Jack and I will have some more one-on-one time together.  But I am not going to even make a suggestion that any weekdays come around sooner!   I am happy to let the weekend drag slowly by and do little else than hang with my three guys.

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