Saturday, September 25, 2010

41.5 Miles

Today the monkeys and I went to celebrate my mom’s awesome accomplishment of making it 41.5 miles (of her 60 mile walk to raise support for Breast Cancer research – she’ll finish tomorrow.)

My mom was walking in honor of her friend Candie, my Aunt Lynne (who we stayed with in London this summer) who have both fought this disease.  She also walks in honor of her high school friend, my namesake – Julie, who passed away last year.

Eric and I showed up on Friday evening to lend our support  but felt a little under-dressed (so to speak) in our dark blue jeans and black t-shirts.  I am sure my mom, and her friend Candy – who she is walking with- felt the love anyway.

But today, a pit-stop was made at Target for better supplies.

And today’s presentation was much better.





In Target -

Owen: Why are we in the girls’ section?  You said boys wear pink too. 

Owen: Will people stare at me if I wear a pink shirt?

Mama: No, most people will be wearing pink.  I guess they might stare at your pink hair…

Owen: Are we going to keep these shirts?

Mama: You could give them to Katie and Sarah, or Charlotte and Bridget when you are done with them; if you want.

Owen: Sure, we could do that.

Jack: I am NOT giving my shirt to Katie.  I love my pink shirt.  I am keeping it.

Fortunately for Owen (but not for Jack ) no one recognized them.  Even my mom.   She walked right by us.  (OK, to be fair, I didn’t recognize my mom with her ball cap on…)  But don’t worry, we found each other. 


Also cheering on our Mamau was Amy (my sister) and two of her daughters, Lauren and Hannah.


In the end, I don’t think Owen need to worry about being stared at during the event.  Even the guys on Harley Davidson bikes were decked out head to toe  in pink.

Of course, when we got to Grady’s first birthday party (with no time to change in between), that was quite another story…  We ran into a few raised eyebrows there.  But we did our part to raise awareness of the disease!

1 comment:

  1. your boys look awesome. your mom looks even more awesome!

    never heard of "mini boden"; will have to look it up. :)
