Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Jack Feels Left Out

I was really hoping that I could leave spiders in the past – just leave them with yesterday’s blog.

But there was fog this morning.  A fog that settled little tiny droplets of water along each of the delicate lines of spider webs.  And eyes are drawn to these sparkly shapes.

And so the walk to Owen’s school was filled with, “Wow, look at that one!” and “ Woah, do you see the spider on that web?!” and “Ohh, that is a different kind of web; it isn’t a circle.”  and “I’m going to kick that web!” and “AAAhhhh, the spider is still on that one!”

You get the picture…

And in case you don’t…

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And for good luck, Jack found this red bug after we dropped Owen off.IMAG0257

Jack went even more slowly on the walk back from school.  He wanted to see every web and think about how it was unique.  And despite the fact that I really really didn’t want to look at any more spiders – they were giving me the heebie-jeebies, I got excited with Jack ‘cause this is his time.  I chimed, “You’re right, that is a tiny web!” and “Oh yes, we should count all of the webs…”

Suddenly Jack sat down on the wet ground and began tugging at his boot.  I bent to help him get it off.  He yelled, “There is something in my boot!”  quick breathing  “I think it is a spider!”

I guess he has something he needs to get off his brain too…

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