Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Jack’s First Day

IMG_5257 Jack squeezed my hand and huddled against me as we walked down the school hall .

Jack: Mama, I want you to stay here with me today.

Mama:  Today is a teacher and kids day.  Mama will pick you up right after school.

Jack: I will make four homeworks in school - for our whole family, ok?

Jack gave me a quick hug, put his backpack and coat where they belonged, IMG_5260put his name on the “attendance sheet”, grabbed a name tag  and gave a cheery hello to his teacher.  Then he sauntered over to the back of the classroom.

Mama: Can I have a good-bye hug Jack?

He didn’t hear me, and I wanted to leave him happy, so I sacrificed my “closure” and turned to walk away. So sad.

Owen: Jack! Come back and give your Mama another hug!

Jack swung around, got big smile on his face, and ran to hug both me and my Knight in Shining Armor.


This was truly the “first” day of school for me.  The first day when I would be alone – both boys in school.  I was feeling sad as I walked back to the car with Owen.

Owen: (choked up voice) Can I sit in Jack’s car-seat?  It’s just…well, I miss him so much.

His eyes were watery and he had a sheepish grin.

When we were in line at Owen’s school, he looked down at his bracelet.

Owen: I am looking at Jack’s.  I miss him the most!


  1. Oh my Lord that is adorable...You should be one proud Mama!

  2. I don't think your kids could be any cuter. I'm SO excited to see the effect they had/have on Grady!

  3. could your boys be any sweeter? love how much they appreciate each other.
