Wednesday, September 15, 2010


When I was a young teen, I took many plane rides by myself.  It was a thrilling experience for me. I loved it.  I would get giddy with the anticipation of the ride itself and of the new destination – and then there was the excitement of being independent – I felt so grown up! 

Now this was way back in the olden days, when everyone could still walk all the way to the gate, even if they were not going on the plane with you. I remember chatting incessantly to my mom, or my dad, or my aunt, or my sister- even occasionally thinking to myself that I was a little over-excited. (Actually, with my sister dropping me off, I was usually just running through the airport rather than chatting – but that’s another blog…)

Each time I finally boarded the plane I immediately fell asleep.  I was out cold – missing almost all of the take-offs during that period in my life.  I never really understood what was going on.  I thought it was so strange.  I hadn’t felt tired 5 minutes before I fell asleep!?

But this mystery illness has now struck my entire family.  Jack goes to his “quiet time” in the afternoon and falls asleep immediately despite his strong desire to play with his toys.  He easily goes to bed an hour early, yet wakes up about the same time as he used to.  Even Own can sleep at the drop of a hat.  The other night he put himself to bed at 6PM and slept all the way until morning (except for 20 minutes at about 7:30 when he ate a bowl of oatmeal and then stumbled back to bed.)  Owen has also  taken several naps in the last few week despite a hiatus for a year or more.

Of course now I understand that emotional build-up can take a physical toll on your body.  But, that knowledge does not seem to impact my ability to control the phenomenon… I too can fall asleep at the drop of a hat – often napping when the monkeys are napping(or I put on Curious George to entertain the monkeys while I take one.)

After my teenage years, I no longer felt that giddy build up before a plane ride, and thus was awake for far more take-offs.

I hope that the three of us will also get through the excitement and newness of school, and can stay awake  for more of the day this school year…I just hope it takes less time than it did in my teenage years.

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