Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Yesterday was my sister’s birthday.  I have been thinking about her lately, and thought I would post a few (very random) memories that I have.

My sister is only about a year and a half older than me, but I have always thought of her as much older, definitely the big sister – no mater how old I get (even if I have somehow become older than her, now that she keeps turning 29…) she will always be my older, protective sister.

I have also always thought of my sister as someone who is “good at things.”  As far back as I can remember, I have been in awe of her.

I remember her being able to read before me, and thinking she was smart.  I couldn’t wait to read too.

I remember drawing a clock with all the numbers written on it in the correct place, and she showed it to our older brother exclaiming how good it was.  I was on a glorious high for days after that, and was sure I was going to be an artist when I grew up!

My sister can sing beautifully, and I loved to hear her sing with my mother.  (And they very kindly let me join in, even though I did not have their talents.) 

When we were in grade school, and the movie Annie came out, Amy convinced many of our schoolmates that she was the actress who played Annie.  They, of course, wanted proof.  So Amy belted out a few lines of  “Tomorrow,” and our schoolmates’ little mouths dropped open. 

She makes a killer grilled-cheese.

When we were young, Amy often crawled in bed with me at night.  She told me she was scared of the dark, but I never really fully believed her. ( I always wondered if  she was saying that to make me feel good.)  I was scared too, but her need for me in this one small instance made me overcome that fear and I felt amazingly brave – especially when I turned off the light and ran across the room to the safety of the bed.

The first time I made her cry crushed me.  I still feel sick when I think of it.  She was always such a tough cookie, and I was teasing her about something which she normally laughed off.  I was stunned when I saw her cry, because I realized that I had truly hurt her.  And worse, I knew that other times that I had teased her had hurt her too, and she had just been better at hiding her pain before.

Amy can make anyone laugh.

Once, when we were walking in a park together with another friend, Amy pretended to get in a fight with him.  They were being funny, and practicing their acting skills.  I had to let them know they were a little too good, and a burly man was on his way over to intervene…

Once, when someone hurt my feelings, and I was sobbing over the silly thing, my sister gave up her morning to hang out with me instead.  ( I don’t remember what she was supposed to be doing, but I do remember that I knew she really needed to be somewhere else.)  She also took me out to my favorite lunch place with the last tiny bit of money she had.  I remember her digging through the couch cushions and the car to find enough to buy one sandwich to us to share.

My sister is such a beautiful person!

Happy Birthday Amy!


  1. i have to admit the title scared me for a second. i was wondering what in the world you were going to say about me. :)

    what a beautiful post. i love sisters. happy birthday, amy.
