Thursday, January 14, 2010

True Seattleites

Living in the Seattle vicinity can be difficult.  Rain and grey can be hard to take.

Trying to keep my kids in positive spirits during rainy weather (and thus keep myself in positive spirits), I try to be excited by rain.  I look out the window and yell  with my fake happy voice, “Oh, it is a puddle hunt day!”(luckily my kids are too young to recognize that voice yet).  “Yeah” they respond.  We put on our boots, and raincoats, and go outside on a mission.  Let’s find the biggest puddle! the widest puddle! the deepest puddle! Who can make the biggest splashes?  Who falls down and gets muddy first? 

389Notice how good Seattleites either have no umbrella or just use them for decoration – or to catch rain.




We come home wet, cold, tired, but happy; and have hot chocolate.


I did not realize how effective this rainy-day endeavor had been until one day last week – a week with plenty of rain – and my children decided to do this on the one day with NO rain.IMG_5406 IMG_5407

Now, if only I could convince my sister that sunless days are not so bad…


  1. So Fun. Love Shot #2 especially. Man, I wish I didn't go back to work and was 5 and had YOU to watch me all day too! :)

  2. grady's mom stole my comment: i loved the 2nd picture, too. enlarge it. frame it. it's awesome.
