Thursday, January 7, 2010

Only Six Days Behind Schedule

It is six days after the beginning of the new year when I was hoping to start this blog. So, I can wait until next January 1st, or just start late. I figure I am a lot closer to January 1st 2010 than to 2011.

So here goes. Here is a window into my life as the mom of two funny little monkeys and the wife of one serious man.

Today's example of the similarities and differences of my two little monkeys:

Jack and I are coloring dinosaurs at the kitchen table while Owen builds his Lego police station. I suddenly realize I am going to be sick, and run to the bathroom.

Owen follows: What are you doing, Mom?

Me: Um, throwing up.

Owen: Oh. (Leaves bathroom)

Jack comes in: What what are you doing, Mama?

Me: I'm throwing up.

Jack: Oh. (Leaves bathroom)

That is where the similarities end.

Retuning to the kitchen, I see our two kitchen stools - moved from their original locations to other counter-tops...

Owen's stool was moved to reach the phone so he could call Daddy to let him know Mama was sick. And to write down Daddy's phone number in case he needed to call him back:

Jack's stool was used for this purpose:

brownies - with finger gouges


  1. Haha. Wait there are still brownies left?? I'm on my way over.

  2. I have a huge smile on my face. I'm so happy you hit PUBLISH. Yes, I was way nervous when I started. I had NO intentions of telling anyone but my sister about my blog. It kind of spiraled from there because it's a lot of work. and I was really proud of it. So after about a week or so, I sent out an e-mail to my all my siblings and a few of my closest friends. I was flabbergasted at how quickly others found my blog. I had no idea if I made a comment somewhere, someone could click on my picture and discover I authored my own blog. so I was a little more than surprised when people that I knew, but hadn't told, found me.

    I love this post. It is so true how different children are innately. It's amazing to watch.

    also, are you, um, pregnant? {you can e-mail me the real answer if eric doesn't know yet}

  3. Amy - No, not pregnant! And you might be banned from my blog for starting rumors like that!!

    I did have a good laugh after reading your comment aloud to Eric followed by, "um Eric?"

    Eric: "NOT funny." 5 mins later "REALLY not funny!"

  4. eric sounds "serious" to me. :)
    and get used to defending your choice of words with your husband. it's a side-effect of blogging. :)

  5. Love this post - such a perfect snapshot of Owen & Jack...and Eric! Remember, no more babies until you are done watching MINE over the next few months! :)
