Saturday, January 9, 2010

My Favorite

What was my favorite part of the day?

Was it...

IMG_5432Watching Owen serve everyone cake at a birthday party before he took a piece for himself.

(NOT the parts where he asked a guest that he greeted at the door, "where is your present?" or when he begged me (loudly) if we could leave (so he could have the goody-bag that went home with the kids.)


or… Having my sister, our Auntie Mimi, join us for dinner.

Or… having her bring dinner and cook it for me instead of me making it for her.

Or… being silly with Mimi, and cousin Lauren with our new aprons that Great-Grandma made.IMG_5454 IMG_5459

Or… watching my brother play with my kids, and watching them love him.



Or… Catching my brother smiling in a photo.


Or… Having lots of suggestions from Jack on what I should put in my blog. One brilliant example: “Take a photo of me jumping on this and doing a fancy move.” Thanks for the suggestions Jack!


Or… Having my mom not want to me outdone by Grandma Mary, and thus clean my kitchen. (is this blog working for me or what?! )

What is your favorite? I can’t decide…


  1. all wonderful things. this blogging thing's not so bad.

    i had no idea you had so many family members so close-by. lucky you (some days).

    and owen looks so much like you in that first picture.

  2. OMG is that bobby? that's his name right? it's been so long!

    glad to see you blog! get on facebook woman!

