Friday, January 8, 2010

Having it Good

What else could a mom ask for on a Friday night after a fun day with her monkeys?

A dinner out with good friends and lots of laughter. (Which husband says proves that "serious" is not the most defining word for his character - we'll have to get back to that on another blog, hun)

Coming home to a house with this:

Content and sleeping children:


A clean kitchen with no dirty dishes in the sink
(um, it did not look like that when I left.)

Thanks Grandma for making Fridays very nice!


  1. man, i thought it was eric that did that for you, but i guess he was WITH you. even better. i LOVE coming home to sleeping children. the best.

  2. Actually, I'm the one thanking YOU Mama - what more could a grandma ask for? :)

  3. We had a great time with you guys Friday night!!! So happy to have a subtle mention in the blog:)
