Saturday, May 22, 2010


My first few years as a teacher, I was sick all the time. It took me awhile to acquire all of the different colds known to man, but I made significant progress over those years. 

The good news was that I managed to miss very few days of school  during that time period. The bad new was that I was often sick the minute there was any kind of holiday.  Quick sicknesses even squeezed themselves in on the weekends.  It was like the second my body relaxed a little, the germ attack won the battle.

It seems like I am having something of the opposite experience right now.   It is as though my body is anticipating that I am going to relax on vacation (in less than a week now!) and it is squeezing in all of the illnesses before my flight. 

This morning, I had my list of things to get done today, and had accomplished only a few.  I was getting ready to go help my mom at a bake sale for her cancer three-day-walk, when I suddenly started vomiting.  (sorry if that grosses you out).  I am not sure what it was all about, but I went straight to bed, feeling shaky and tired all morning and afternoon.  I was finally able to accomplish a few things this evening, but am definitely behind schedule.

I am getting a little concerned about accomplishing all of the the things I need to do before we leave…but I suppose that is not my biggest concern.  I DO NOT want to be sick on my vacation!  So really, I should be thankful that my body has the consideration to have the illness arrive before my trip. 

Aren’t I nice to myself?!

1 comment:

  1. On no Julie! I'm so sorry you are sick, I hope it's a quick thing and you are feeling better soon - especially before your trip. I'm sending good feel better thoughts your way:)
