Sunday, May 9, 2010

Sick Days

Can I call in some sick days here?

I figure that when you take  sick days, noone really does your work, it just waits for you at your job until you return.

I have had all of these ideas for this blog, but none of the energy the last few days.  Have gone to bed just after the kids, but can’t seem to fight this off. 

So, I will return in a day or two (and finish all of my “back-work” then.)

I have no plans to quit blogging.

Please don’t fire me.


  1. Some would say that absence just creates more desire... :)

  2. I miss you. Your blog makes me smile and is a highlight of my day. But I want you well. So take time and mend. Just know your fans are eagerly awaiting the next installment in the life of the monkeys!

  3. I am with mamau on this one.

  4. Thanks guys, I think I am back on tonight!
