Monday, May 17, 2010


I found out yesterday that Owen has inherited one of my worst genes. 

I have a very difficult time recognizing people.  Something in my brain cannot seem to remember their distinct facial features, and I tend to use other factors to remember people such as their clothing and the places that I encounter them.  I joke with people that I don’t recognize someone if they change their shirt, and sadly, this is often true.  It takes many encounters with the same person for me to be able to recognize that person after they cut their hair or I see them in a new environment.

My friend Kris (Grady’s mama) can look at a photo of a child, and recognize that person as an adult.  That has always amazed me.  It is unfathomable for me to understand how her brain can do that!

Yesterday Doc, Nana, and our family watched the original Star Wars for Owen’s  fifth birthday.  He asked 5 zillion questions throughout the movie, revealing the inherited trait! 

Owen recognized the name Luke Skywalker from the video game that Uncle Marc bought for him, and was happy to see the real thing in the movie.  But when Luke changed out of his ‘farm boy’ outfit and put on one of the storm trooper’s uniforms, Owen wondered where Luke went.  Mind you, Luke did not have a helmet on, so Owen could see his face clearly.   Even after he knew that Luke was wearing the new uniform, each scene change needed a clarification as to who was who.  Luke changing into the orange pilot outfit, and changing clothes again at the end, caused the same issues for Owen.

I know Owen has inherited some great traits from me, but this is definitely a trait that I would have loved for him to bypass!  I wonder if there is some miracle cure?  it would same the poor kid some embarrassment as he ages…

1 comment:

  1. this thought just occurred to me: when i ran into you in the evergreen hospital parking garage a while ago, you were visiting a friend who'd just had a baby. was that your friend Kris (and baby grady)?? just wondering.
