Friday, May 21, 2010

Our Grady


Today was a sad day.  It was our last official day with Grady.  It has been so fun to watch him grow from a tiny barely-four-month old, to such a big boy of seven months.  He has learned to sit up by himself, get from laying to sitting by himself, and do is funny little hop forward to move around.  The boys have delighted in each accomplishment.  “Mama, did you see what Grady just did?!”  Owen always shakes his head in wonder and adds, “Wow, I didn’t know he could do that!”  Our smiley Grady has also learned to clap for himself and say “da-da” (Which Jack interprets as “Jack.”) 

I just realized that I have yet to tell the parents at Owen’s school that they can no longer take their turns cooing at him when we drop off and pick up Owen…I might be in trouble for not giving them proper closure!

We have all loved having Grady and it was sad to say goodbye today.  Jack was asleep when Grady left today and later, when Jack realized that the last day was over, he cried.  “I miss my Grady baby!”  Really, who will laugh and clap at our little moves?

We kind-of do have a little Grady around still as Jack renamed his doll from Henry to Grady Henry Baby.  (He was really missing Grady last week when I was sick and didn’t watch him.)  I don’t think he is going to quite cut it.

We plan to still have play-dates with our little friend, so I guess we will have to be happy with that…

1 comment:

  1. I cannot tell you what a difference it had made knowing Grady was with you (and his grandparents) during the past 4 months. I think him seeing and being with so many people (big and small) who all love him has made him the (mostly) agreeable little monkey he is today. He starts daycare Monday, and though 7 other babies cannot compare to the daily antic of Jack and Owen - I know he is ready! I am so glad I became your friend in junior high only to get closer to that cute boy I had a crush on. Who knew I would actually end up liking you so much! We look forward to play-dates throughout the summer when you return...zoo, anyone? You will always be my Heroe' Favorito!
