Monday, May 3, 2010

AAh, I See…

So, I figured out where all of the extra time came from that I had yesterday.  It came from today.

Let’s just say that one of the first things I do in the morning is empty the dishwasher.  Even that didn’t get done today. 

Owen made it to preschool and then gymnastics on time, but that was about it.  After a day in which I did almost nothing but play with Jack, we went out for dinner because I was too tired to think of cooking.

Now I am exhausted and going to bed.

But today was a good day anyway.  How could it not be when you have Jack as a playmate? (someone please remind me I said this when I am not feeling this way on some other day…)

Grady thinks it is really fun to watch me clean, and smiles and laughs when I wipe counters.  So, tomorrow I should be able to get a few things done.

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad you are training him that cleaning is FUN - I have big plans for that boy! By the way, thanks for letting us crash at your dinner out, Pagliacci = yum! :)
