Friday, August 10, 2012

London and Oxford

Took the train to London while Eric is with the monkeys in Paris – Is really nice to see my cousins and aunt and uncle!

John and Lynne were in Ireland for the first bit that I was here, so Chloe and I hung out the first day (got a yummy dinner made by Chloe and a manicure from her – great way to start a little holiday!!)  Nick and Chloe took the day off and we took a bus to Oxford yesterday to see Abby and Drew.  It was a perfect day – picnic, shopping, chatting, dinner.

Random photos and comments…

Even sandwiches in England sound smarter…IMG_4503

Hot Nick buying a suitIMG_4508

View from Abby and Drew’s flat.IMG_4504Passive-aggressive doors




Floor of the restaurantIMG_4539

The gang



  1. very cool..and how funny Chloe and Nick look the SAME!

  2. Love this! 'Hot Nick' needs to see this. We miss you in London! Come back soon! And thanks for leaving me your pretty OPI polish, I'm wearing it today and it dries soooo quickly! Lots of love to you and the monkeys xxx
