Thursday, August 2, 2012

Lazy Day

We stayed in the house all day today.  We worked in our workbooks (the boys are doing a French workbook to earn a toy, and I have a GRE one)  we read, we ate (French toast for breakfast.  Get it?  French toast??) , I cleaned and surfed the internet, the boys scattered toys and watched shows on the Zunes.  Owen created some spy tools from paper and pens and staples, and the monkeys created headquarters upstairs (aka – the top bunk.)

The boys wanted a baguette for lunch to make a ham sandwich.  Owen refused to leave the house saying that it would ruin his lazy day if he had to leave even for a minute.  Jack begged to go alone to the bakery and I let him. I waited just outside the door to our apartment building while Jack walked the 1/2 block.   Ordering bread is one of the few things that he feels totally comfortable doing in French, so he usually gets to go in the the bakery alone and order.  Can I tell you how adorable he was running back down the road with a baguette in his hand??!! (I must admit, in my sad sad mind, I envisioned him in short pants, suspenders, and a little cap – I think the world may have even flashed into black and white for a second there…)

Anyway…Jack was thrilled to go, but took the whole thing really really seriously.  He has this look when he is proud of himself, but wants to act casual.  He looks down and slightly shakes his head, and tries to conceal a little smile on his lips.  If he can’t quite conceal the smile, he turns his head slightly down and away and raises his hand up in a casual “stop” motion that I think he must have stolen from Owen… too funny.

Jack and I decided that staying inside all day makes us a little stir crazy.  Owen enjoyed it much more, but at bedtime felt the restlessness.  We all decided that a lazy day with a walk at the end of the day just might be perfect. (Though it seems so wrong to be doing in Paris!)


Recent quotes:

Jack: It’s difficult in Paris, huh Mom

Mama: What do you mean?

Jack: Well, there are no pancakes.  I want some pancakes, but there are no pancakes.

brief pause

But, I guess Washington is difficult too. Washington is difficult because there aren’t any crepes!


On the Metro

Owen: Mama, can I play a game on your phone?

Mama: Well, I have a problem.

Owen: What?

Mama: I only have one phone, and two boys.

Owen: Actually, you have two problems.  And if you give the phone to me, you can solve one of them.