Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Bowls of Hot Chocolate

We started off with a lazy morning at home, and extended it by going to my favorite café for bowls of hot chocolate and coffee and fresh baguettes with butter and homemade jams.IMG_4925

Owen as Pinocchio.

IMG_4929So happy!IMG_4933


We walked and scootered quite a ways (but all downhill!) through town to go to a department store that promised a good selection of toys.  They boys finished their French books, and I promised them something.  While they spent a great amount of time looking in the Lego section, they each ended up with new nai-nai guy (stuffed animal) that they were very happy about.  I was much happier buying something French that will be more of a memory than Lego.

The store we bought the toys at had a roof-top seating area that a wonderful view.   The boys showed it to their new friends.  The big building behind the boys is the opera house.  There are supposed to be beehives on the roof that we were hoping to see, but did see any….  IMG_4947

Um, this is the inside of the department store!IMG_4955

I really wanted to fit in another activity today – We have a short time left and the boys have a long list of things they want to do before we leave.  I don’t want to cram the last week, and take away the relaxing feel that we have been here for a long time and are comfortable.  I really tried to keep our time in Paris as “we are living here for the summer” rather than, “we were on vacation".”  This has helped me to keep more relaxed with a focus on the boys rather than on the city.  And it has help the boys from expecting ice-cream and carnival rides every day.   So instead, we headed home and chilled out.

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