Monday, August 6, 2012

Evening at Notre Dame

Last week, we walked past Notre Dame after dark, and a man was selling these launching toys that could light up.  The boys really wanted one, and I said they could get it if they used their own money.  Jack didn’t have any, so Owen waited until Jack had earned 3 euro.  (The man said the toys cost 5 euro, but I thought he would go lower…)

Tonight we headed out as it was getting dark.


The boys ran heading toward Notre Dame, then came running back screaming and talking excitedly.  They had seen a “real live rat” that had run away when they came near.  It was this big (see below.)



The night we were at Notre Dame last time, the toy vendor was making no sales, but of course he was on a roll tonight.  I waited a few minutes for him to have a lull so we could negotiate, but no luck.  I didn’t want the boys to have to wait forever – so I gave them each an extra euro (to make 4) and sent them over.  (saving 2 euro at least makes me feel a little better for another time that a price doubled on something when Jack started to talk in English.  I should have just said no to the sale, but was too surprised to think straight and have been irritated ever since.)IMG_4434

I didn’t expect much from a toy from a roaming vendor, but they were actually pretty cool.  The toy lights up then you launch it in the air, and it has some blades on it that slow it down and make it spin as it descends.  It took the boys a little while to figure it out, but then they had a great time. 

Before we left, Owen figured that the toy was made of a glow stick that would only work for one night.  He had decided that he would only buy the toy if it had an on and off switch so that it could be used more than once- and therefore be worth his money.  Surprisingly, it did have a switch, and he was very glad. 


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