Sunday, November 7, 2010


Eric was able to go to the Seahawks game today, which left the monkeys and I wanting for something interesting to do.  I decided to work a little on Jack’s upcoming birthday party, a Captain Sharky pirate party.  I got out the paint and other art supplies for all of us.

I painted full-size pirate for a Pin the Parrot on the Pirate game.  (He’s not quite done.)IMAG0356

Owen very carefully drew and colored a huge rocket.IMAG0357

Jack mixed all of the paints, and painted the floor brown…

“ I tried mixing the colors, but they kept making brown.”

I’m not sure what that has to do with painting on the floor instead of the paper.  Let’s just say Jack thinks outside of the box – and leave it at that…

I IMAG0354


  1. Washable paint I'm sure...ack! And Julie - that looks like a real pirate - I am so proud of you!!

  2. The paint was pretty easy to clean up. Much easier than convincing Jack that he needed to wash his hair in the tub...

    Thanks about the pirate. I was pretty proud, even if Owen messed up all of the glitter. I must post the finished one...
