Tuesday, October 26, 2010


As I was about to put the monkeys to bed, I got a phone call.  I talked for about 10 minutes, and at the end of the call the monkeys ran up to me both yelling.

Owen: He did it! He did it! I did it!

Jack:  Mom, mom!   (garbled )  a ant.  It can sit and eat!!

I finished up my phone call and turned to the boys trying to understand what they were yelling about.  They were very excited about an ant sitting?  I didn’t know ants could sit. 

I followed Owen and Jack to the office and they pointed to a story from the book that I used to teach Owen to read from, and am working on with Jack.

Owen:  You need to put another sticker on his chart because we did another lesson. 

My face must have betrayed the doubt that I felt...

So Jack read the “story” in a way that was obvious that he had read the story before.  Owen had a massive grin on his face and said, “Don’t worry mom, I made him do the sound parts that go before the story too.”

Apparently Owen can just take over from now on…at least until lesson 76, where he has left off…

IMAG0333Jack’s Story:


In other news, I took the boys to Gas Works Park today – thinking it would be fun to climb over the neat metal structures. (yes, I do know you are not supposed to…) Don’t worry, the kids found it far too cold to be outside.  And it was definitely  not nearly as exciting as learning to read, or teaching reading.  We left in less than 10 minutes.  IMAG0332


  1. ...and in more shocking news, you let Jack wear mismatched pajamas?! AND you took a picture of it?! AND you put it on your blog?!

    This is real growth for you baby! :)

  2. Did I neglect to mention that the phone call was to my therapist?
