Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Lost in Translation

On Tuesday, while Becca was driving with Jack, he asked her to turn up the song because it was one he really liked.  He then began to sing along.  Becca thought it was pretty funny because it was Teenage Dream by Katie Perry.

Tonight at dinner Eric asked Jack about singing along to the radio.  Jack remembered singing but was feeling too shy to sing a few lines for Owen (who wanted to remember how the song went.)

Eric sang a line or two for Owen who quickly recognized the song, but then became very confused.  Eric and I, in turn, became very confused…

Owen: That song was on the radio?

Eric: Yes. In Becca’s car.

Owen: And they were talking about the song?

Eric: No, they were singing the song.

Owen: Jack was singing the song?

Eric: No the regular people were singing it on the radio.

Owen: And they were talking about the song?

Eric: No, the regular people were singing, and Jack was singing along in his own voice.

Owen: Jack’s voice was on the radio?!!

Eric just looked at me, hoping I could give some insight as to why Owen was so confused.  Or maybe he was hoping I could help Owen understand.  I tried.

Mama: The lady who sings the song was on the radio. And Jack was singing in the car.   Just like when you listen to a song on Media Center.  The song plays, and you sing to it.

Owen: Oh (He obviously was still confused.)

Then, my earlier explanation revealed the problem to me….

Mama: Oh, I see why you are confused.  Becca’s radio isn’t the same as Mama’s radio.  When most people say they are listening to the radio, they mean they are listening to music, not talking.  The radion is like the Zune in Mama’s car.


Eric rolled his eyes at this point and got up from the dinner table with a wan smile.  Ah, the sad influence I am on my children…

Eric is a music guy.  He has music around him any minute that is not occupied with something he has to concentrate on. It gives him energy and meaning.

I, on the other hand crave information (even if it is not necessarily useful ...)  Thus, in my car, vocab is a little different.  Translation as follows: We listen to…

…the radio = NPR

…a book = an audio book on my Zune

…a CD = kids music

…my Zune = grown-ups music (song the kids request)


*Oh, and please keep in mind who plays music in our house when you make comments on the song lyrics that my children are privy to…


  1. I sure hope Jack gets to live his Teenage Dream...whatever that may be...
    Probably won't involve Katy Perry, but thats probably a good thing! ;)

  2. I would pay to hear Eric sing ANY part of that song to someone under the age of 5
