Thursday, March 3, 2011

Week-In-The-Life: Thursday (Not Wednesday Again As I Originally Wrote)

I woke to two little monkeys climbing into bed with me at about 6:45.  We snuggled and talked until the alarm went off at 7 and Owen turned it off.  I was about to get out of bed, and heard a noise of someone in the kitchen.  Eric walked in and scared the &^%$ out of me.  He is not usually home at this time.  Eric said goodbye to (and was attacked by ) the monkeys while I got up to survey the kingdom and make breakfast…IMG_8019_thumb


Jack tells me that the kitchen is a mess (thank you) and that he is not eating oatmeal for breakfast because he hates oatmeal.  I suggest that he open the packet himself and pour it in the bowl.  He suggests that he pour the oatmeal all over the floor and throw the bowl away.  I suggest that he not do that.IMG_8022

I start heating the water in the electric kettle while the monkeys play and Eric leaves.


I refill my tea container with tea bags, IMG_8024

and bring in the Amazon Fresh order of food and Owen’s new lunchbox (since the one we have been using is borrowed – I wanted to make sure that it was worth the money for all of those little containers – I do, it makes me pack healthier lunches in reasonable portions…)


I ask Jack if he wants Apple and Cinnamon oatmeal or Cinnamon and Spice.  “Oh, I LOVE Cinnamon and Spice Oatmeal, Mama!  I want that!”

Owen eats his oatmeal and a bowl of Fruity Cheerios.  He wants orange juice, but doesn’t actually drink it.  He is pretty sensitive to sugar.


Jack eats two bites of oatmeal and drinks a glass of juice and a glass of milk.  He sits the rest of the morning at the table jabbering away but not really eating.  I suggest that he get ready for school, but he says he wants to finish…IMG_8026

Owen’s lunch is milk, blueberries, yogurt, cashews, avocado, and a granola treat.


I load the dishwasher and get it started.

Owen brushes his teeth, then gets dressed in the clothes that I get him, but changes the pants because the ones I got feel too loose?? 

I get Jack dresses while he scowls because he wants to finish his oatmeal.  I brush his teeth, then help Owen put on his shoes.  Owen checks for his coat in the closet, and decides it must still be in the car.  We’re finally off – running a bit late.

We listen to James and the Giant Peach on the Zune.  We listen to an audio book on the way to and from Owen’s school each day.  We have gone through many Henry Huggins books and Ramona books already.


The day is yucky and the traffic is bad on the freeway.IMG_8036

But the boys love listening to more of the book…

Owen can’t find his coat when we get to school (I guess it was in the closet after all…)  I grab a thinner coat with no hood out of the back of the car (all we have) and send him off to school.  IMG_8038IMG_8041

I grab some homework from Katie and Sarah’s teacher since they are sick today(they go to Kindergarten at Jack’s school)  I drop Jack off in his classroom, say hi to Charlotte, Bridget and Becca as they come in, and head out to the car.  I listen to my own audiobook as I head to Lisa’s to drop off the girls’ homework.

Lisa makes me a cappuccino – she always makes things look pretty.  I messed the heart up a little when I added sugar…IMG_8042

We hang out for awhile and I snag some oatmeal since she was making it for the girls.  Yummy with almonds, cinnamon, and coconut on top!


On my way home I pick up our Farm Box that is delivered to a house at the bottom of the hill every other week.  I forgot about it yesterday, but it is fine.  The fruits and vegetables are really yummy and fresh.


I blog the day so far so I don’t have so much to do later tonight. 

At home I look for Owen’s coat in the closet and realized that it is not surprising that he he didn’t see it…IMG_8046

I take his coat to school and give it to the secretary along with some lunch notes that Katie and Sarah wrote to him this morning when they realized that I would be heading back to his school before lunch.IMG_8047

It is already time to pick up Jack and Bridget so I head straight over there.  I pick up the two individual pizzas that Katie and Sarah have automatically delivered on Thursdays  - but couldn’t eat since they were sick.  The three of us eat in the car and I give some to Charlotte and keep a slice for Owen.  (Not sure about Bridget’s face – Jack wants to know why she is “mad” – I think she is trying to figure out how to smile with food in her mouth.)


At home I empty the dishes and fill it up again with more dishes from last night.IMG_8053

Jack seems tired so we lay on my bed and watch a show.  Of course I am the only one who falls asleep.  Jack wakes me up after an hour or so saying he wants to get up.  He has a few books that he must have got up to get to look at because he was bored…

I talk on the phone for awhile with my mom and Lisa then head off to pick up Owen.  When I get to Owen’s school, our spot in the line is in the road outside of the school parking lot.  This means that Jack has to stay in his carseat – so we can’t read or play in the front of the car.  Jack starts to doze so I watch something on the Zune.

Owen eats his slice of pizza and a Z-bar for a snack in the car.  He  is still hungry when he gets home!

Owen says that he wants to make wings for his back to be like Buzz Lightyear (a movie is doesn’t like to watch – too scary…)  We look around for cardboard thin enough  for him to cut himself.


I help him color,IMG_8062

and drink my tea while it is still hot. (Jack was the photographer on this photo and the last!)


I am quite impressed that Owen was able to figure out how the triangles needed to be made to have them line up and look just how they do!IMG_8100

Eric comes home and starts making polish sausages for dinner for himself and the boys.

I arrange to meet my mom at Barnes and Noble later and head there myself to hang out.  I look at the kids section mostly – until my mom comes and we have coffee and hang for a few hours.

I return around 9, kiss the monkeys goodnight  and am off to take a shower and head to bed to watch a show with Eric…


  1. Wednesday is twice?? :)

  2. ha ha - that is my life. I dont even know the day of the week!

  3. So funny. Observations...Owen needs an afternoon snack at school, poor guy is hungry!! Toys Story is Grady's favorite right now - he calls it "Buddy!" (for Buzz and Woody). Also, cinnamon burns his face and he gets a rash, weird huh? Mark us down for Tues 15th playdate!!

  4. Wednesday was just so good it seemed like 2 days :)
