Sunday, March 6, 2011

Felt Fun

I have been looking at some felt craft projects and have a big-ish project in mind, but want to start smaller.  I just want to try something to see if I am any good and decide if I want to make a purchase of some higher quality felt.  I got some new Gingher scissors from my grandma for my birthday and a pair of pinking sheers from Eric’s mom, Mary.  I needed to make something today.


I was looking as some projects on different blogs , and decided to try this blogger’s flower idea.  Most of the felt that I had was left over from making Jack’s Capt’n Sharky Pirate hats, so my colors are black, grey, and cream, but it was just for fun anyway.


I wanted to see if they would stand up, and added some stiffened felt for the stem.  Super cute – if not super useful…IMG_8191

The monkeys saw me sewing and wanted to try their hand at it. 


Owen sewed a flower similar to the ones I was making.  He took the project quite seriously.IMG_8187

Jack mostly just cut the felt into little pieces with my scissors.  He did want to sew too. I put a tiny piece of felt to one end of his thread (so that it wouldn’t pull through whatever he was sewing) and tied the other end to the needle.  IMG_8177

He had a ball sewing random pieces together.  IMG_8182

And stayed with me long after Owen had moved on to bigger and better things.  Jack left for a few minutes and when he came back he showed me his stuffed dog’s new ear decoration…


And was thrilled when he asked to also sew “wings” on his dog – and I said yes.  Whatever, it is his toy…  Jack cut out the shape of his wings.  I attached the string onto the wings with a little x, and Jack went to town.  It cracked me up when I saw that the dog’s tail was caught up in between the wings and the dog’s back!


Are we not a creative family?!?!

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