Monday, March 28, 2011

Bad Habits and Tough Owen

First I was too tired.  Then Jack got sick.  Then I had too much to do.  Now Owen has a crazy fever and I am sick too – and there I go with another excuse… but a blog is here nonetheless.

Owen is in heaven staying home sick.  He really hated hearing that Jack stayed home from school last week and spent more time with me alone.  Owen beamed on Sunday night when I told him he had a fever and and wasn’t going to school on Monday.  I gave him Tylenol at about 10Pm because his fever was 104 and I was worried.  It was a dumb idea to wake a sleeping kid for that and he just threw-up the medicine anyway.  He didn’t seem to mind at all.  He just put a smile on his red-cheeked face and went back to bed.   He had asked me to sleep on his floor “just like you do for Jack” so I did.  But my little trooper didn’t bother to wake me up the few times he got up to be sick.   I woke up when I heard him get out of bed, and figured he was just going to the bathroom.  He would be sick, but not call me for help.  I came in anyway and took care of him, of course.  My Owen is so matter-of-fact about life sometimes.      Today he kept telling me he loves me and ‘thank-you’ for letting him stay home from school.

His fever has been going down all day, but it is a long way down from so high up.  When I told him that he is staying home from school again on Tuesday, he was very concerned for Jack and that Jack make it to school.  I am keeping Jack home too – it is just easier to stay home with them both rather than drive Jack to school with Owen since I have to walk Jack into the building.  Owen tried to assure me that he was too sick to go to his school, but that he could walk in to drop off and pick up Jack.  He finally admitted, “I just want to have you to myself!”  My sweet boy.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, poor guy. And wow, throwing up without asking for Mama's THAT is the sign of a big boy!
