Friday, March 4, 2011

Week-In-The-Life: Friday

The monkeys start out in my bed for a few minutes.  Jack tells me that he wants a baby to keep (a recurrent theme in our family over the past few months).  He suggests that we hide Grady next time that he and Kris come for a visit.  He is interested in my suggestions for a good spot…

We get up I decide to offer yogurt for breakfast (something I know they both like even on their “off” days.)  They are both happy to eat yogurt (despite the fact that they feel slightly deprived since I won’t put sprinkles on it – our sometimes dessert…)

The happy eaters soon start teasing each other mercilessly and I declare a soundless breakfast after several warnings.  Since I didn’t state that they couldn’t make faces at each other – they move in that direction…I put on some tea.

Luckily breakfast is quick, and the monkeys put on their clothes quickly (in different rooms today).  I brush Jack’s teeth and make Owen’s lunch.  It is salami, cheese, and crackers; dried apples, carrot sticks and cucumber slices.  I used a small cookie cutter to cut the cucumber slices and they were so cute, but I wasn’t sure I was going to make the “Week-In-The-Life-Blog” if my children were going to kill each other before the morning was over.

When Owen came downstairs, he was in a great mood and had a costume on over his clothes – including his new wings.  He and Jack played beautifully together in my bedroom – their good-guy hideout.

I have time to flat-iron my hair.

We drop Owen off at school and buy a baguette and a croissant at the table they have set out.  Every Friday Owen’s school picks up items from a local French Bakery and sells them in front of the school.  Dangerous. 

At home I do the dishes and start to play a game with Jack.  We are waiting for our friends to arrive. 

After our game, I make the bed.IMG_8112

Then we go upstairs and make Jack’s bed.IMG_8114

We read all of our stories by Karma Wilson (our favorites) IMG_8115and I organize Jack’s kitchen area – putting the vegies and fruits together by their velcro so Jack can cut them up again.  IMG_8116

How cute is the the little swaddled baby in Jack’s shopping cart?!IMG_8118

Downstairs, I notice some scratches on the floor under Jack’s chair, IMG_8107

and change the pads on the bottom of his chair.IMG_8106

We have lunch (salami on our fresh French baguette and fruit)IMG_8103

I do the dishes, then get Jack set up on playing with blocks while I clean our bathroom and listen to my audiobook. (Sometime before we have decided that our friends have forgotten our playdate.  We will have to reschedule.)



Next, I paint my nails and Jack wants his painted too.  I indulge him and glad I chose a quite sheer color…


We sit on the couch and watch a show while our nails dry.  Jack falls asleep, so I cover him up, make tea, and blog our morning.  It is almost time to pick up Owen from school.IMG_8113Jack woke up just in time to pick up Owen.  We listened to James and the Giant Peach – a nerve-wracking part where everyone was almost eaten by sharks – It was a hard decision to keep in on…  Snack and drive home.  Owen has a name tag on that says “Buzz.”  Apparently the kids in the class got to pick an alter-ego for the day??  Owen thought it was great.

Jack announced to Owen that there were small pillow-pets at Fred Meyer.  They both rushed to count the money that they had to see if they had the required $12.  Jack did, but Owen didn’t.  Owen is trying to decide if he should buy a pillow pet a week from Saturday when he has enough money or wait and save for a General Grievous Lego ship that he has been wanting – about $50.  He wants Eric and I to pay for half.  Smart boy…

We brought the other set of blocks downstairs and the monkeys built with them.

Grandma came and took the boys out to McDonalds so that Eric and I could have a date.  We went to dinner then went shopping for clothes.  We returned home later to change and get ready for a party at our neighbors house (the neighbors who know everyone in the neighborhood and have great parties and are kind and thoughtful, and useful – and basically make Eric and I look bad – we love them!) 


The house is clean when we return…

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