Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Second Dilemma

I did not realize that giving an earlier post the title of, “First Dilemma” presupposed that there will be a second, but apparently it was fated to happen…

As Eric got the kids ready for bed last night, he left them to go to the bathroom and wash their hands while he collected their pajamas.  I was upstairs bonding with John when we heard a great commotion and ran downstairs. Water was pouring out of the bathroom and down the hall pooling in the entryway where the coats and shoes are kept.

Owen and Jack had washed their hands and went into the bedroom to get undressed.  Unfortunately, two miscalculations were made: when Owen washed his hands he put the plug in the sink and didn’t remove it, and Jack neglected to turn the water off when he left the bathroom and joined Owen in the bedroom to get changed… It wasn’t until Eric had the boys changed into their pajamas and went back out into the hall that he was aware of any of this.

After moving a piece of furniture, sopping up water with towels, and mopping the area – everything was back to normal – no permanent damage done. (Though I can’t say what John and Lynne’s future policy of hosting families with two small children will be…)

I know the monkeys are very unlikely to lock themselves in the bathroom again, or put the plug in the sink, but I must admit that I am left a little uneasy when I think of that little bathroom.  Don’t bad things  usually happen in groups of three??

Oh, and here is Eric’s super useful photo he took for the blog… (I am sure that helps illustrate the story for everyone.)



  1. WE MISS YOU GUYS!!!!! Hope you are having a great time - hugs to Owen and Jack! You guys too of course:) Love you!

  2. I agree with nanotooandj -we miss you!!!! Hope you are having a wonderful time. How about some blogs about the fun stuff you are doing! And some pictures of the monkeys. How is Paris?? And Eric, great pics (the five I downloaded in 10 minutes) but like Mark, I can't get to them without downloading them individally! HELP!!!!

  3. I tried again the other day and could download all of them but only got about 3/4 of the pics. Might be worth another try - MarC :)

  4. I'm missin' my people - I wonder how many times a day I check this? :) I hope you're having the time of your lives!
