Monday, May 30, 2011

Four Day Weekend

Owen had Friday off of school as well as Memorial day.  We were excited to have four long days to do some fun activities.  On Friday Owen seemed a little tired in the morning and not quite himself.  By the afternoon he was listless, pink cheeked, and had a 102 fever. Which kept going up, and up.

I rarely give the monkeys medicine for a fever – since their doctor recommends letting the fever do it’s job if it is under 102.  But Owen’s body kept getting hotter and hotter.  Even with  acetaminophen, it was 102 for two days.

Owen spent three days on the couch watching TV and sipping water. He had the flu.  Our Saturday out with friends passed by and Sunday with it’s nice weather (for Seattle) passed by as well.

Owen finally felt a little better today.  He woke with no fever and had an appetite and some energy. 

We spent the day in the yard fighting moss and weeds that were apparently competing with our children for height…  Eric and I attacked them with shovels, rakes, and gloved hands.  The monkeys attacked with The Force and other Jedi techniques.  I’ll let you guess who was most successful.

Tonight Owen was hoping that his sickness would get him out of school tomorrow, but the flu he had conveniently fit into a four day weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Poor O, I'm sorry you didn't get to enjoy the sun so much. Tell O we found him a very cool present in Portland (and yes, I'll find a little something for Jack too before we see you next!) on the 7th? :)
