Friday, May 27, 2011

Birthday Theme

Most of the monkeys’ birthday parties have had a theme – chosen by Eric and I when the boys were really little, based on what we thought was fun or represented the monkeys.  Owen has had Thomas the Train and Rockets. Jack has had Monkeys, Garbage Trucks, and Pirates.  This year Owen waffled on his theme – it went from Star Wars to Spiderman to Toy Story to Batman.  As we got closer to his birthday, and he was changing his mind several times a day, I started to get nervous.  I bought some Star Wars rings a few months before yet Owen had pretty much ruled that theme out.  I was sure that would be his theme since he spends most of his time reading Star Wars books and playing Lego Star Wars.  I did not want to buy anything else and have him change his mind – but I also didn’t want to “force” (tee-hee) him to have a Star Wars Theme just because I had one thing in that theme.

I was looking around on-line one day and came across some Lego mini-figure shaped crayons.  I thought they were unique and fun and really represented something Owen really likes.  I talked to Owen about the possibility of having a Lego themed party and suggested that we could buy these crayons as the Take-home Gift Bag for the party.  He quickly agreed, but I waited on buying the crayons to be sure that he wouldn’t change his mind.

When I showed Owen various Lego mini-figures from Star Wars, Batman, Toy Story, AND Spiderman – he was excited, and I felt like it was “safe” to stick with Lego for the theme.

lego guysbuzz lego2

lego darthspiderman lego


The website what I was going to buy the crayons from was one that sells thing that individuals make in their homes.  I thought about that and it suddenly dawned on me that Lisa had given me a Lego Mini figure mold she brought back from Legoland.  It was meant for making ice-cubes, but I guessed that it was what the seller had used to make her crayons.  So, I thought I would try it, and I found it super easy to do myself.  I was sooooo excited!  I just melted the crayons in a glass container that I put in a pan of boiling water and then poured the melted crayons in the mold.


It took me awhile to think of how to present them as they look the best standing all in a line.  I finally found small tins with a window in the front.  I bought some batting (that you use to make quilts fluffy) to make the guys stay put in the tins.

Here is Owen putting them together.  Owen thought putting together the first three tins was fun, but 16 tins was a bit tedious…

He quickly enlisted Jack and Mama’s help.


For the final gift-bag, we put in a little lego kit, a tin of crayons, a little tin of lego candy, and some lego brick shaped soap.  I made the soap from another mold that Lisa had given me! 

Making the stuff at home was fun, and I ended up getting good deals so that the cost of the whole bag was just a bit more than buying the crayons from the seller – and hers were just loose in bags.  So I am really pleased with the outcome  - but sad that I didn’t take a photo of the goodie bags…

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