Tuesday, August 24, 2010


This morning Owen asked to read to me, and I listened to him read his book.  He went to mark off a square on his 100 chart.  27594405[1]He yelled, “Look Mama, I only have five more stories to read!  I think I am going to read all five today.  Can we read another one right now?!!”  First we had to go drop some paperwork off at Owen’s school and run a few errands.

This afternoon, Owen read the last two books that I had checked out from the library.  Each book takes him 15 – 20 minutes to read, so he had read over 45 minutes, but wanted more.  21ZXV2Y9YSL._SL160_AA160_[1] 514HSR11D4L._SL160_AA115_[1] 

We needed more books so we ran down to the library.  When I found some books, Owen sat down at the library table, with its tiny chairs, and started to read.  He was a little nervous about reading out-loud in the library, and kept looking up to check to see that a librarian wasn’t rushing over to shush him.  (With Jack in the corner pretending the stuffed animals were attacking each other, I think Owen’s noise would not be the first think that was noticed…)

39992320[1] 16196133[1]

Owen convinced me that Hop on Pop was “worth two squares because it is so long.”  60 pages is a lot for a little boy!

“Can we go to Target right now!?”  Owen was thrilled when he finished his last book.  We went to go check out some more books on our way out, and I decided that Owen deserved his own library card.  His mouth hung open, “My very own?  Can I do that?”   “Yes,” I replied, “Now that you can read, you get your own card.”

We filled out a form, Owen picked his card, and the librarian explained the rules telling Owen not to let anyone check out books on his card.  Owen looked very nervous with this instruction.  “Can I tell people I have the card? (Yes) “Can I show people my card?’ (yes) “Can I let them touch it?” (Yes) “My Mom just said, ‘do you want a card?’ and I said ‘yes’ but I didn’t even know I could get one.  I was so surprised!”

Owen’s new Lego: (because of course he changed him mind about the set he wanted - after I found that one on sale and already bought it!) 



Owen’s thought on the books he read today: 

27594405[1]“Oh, Cowboys!  Do they have guns??!” (they didn’t – kind of bummed)

21ZXV2Y9YSL._SL160_AA160_[1]Very concerned that a boy at the end of the book finds the little  boat, and takes it home even though it didn’t seem to be his. “I don’t think that was his.  Was it his?  Why did he just take that?  That’s not nice!”

514HSR11D4L._SL160_AA115_[1]  “cute”

39992320[1]“Why does this person draw the dragon in here like dragons are real?!”

 16196133[1] “This book is funny.  Let’s check it out even after I read it.”

1 comment:

  1. I am loving this age for O. SO PROUD of him reading all those books. That toy will means so much more that he earned it. I also remember my first library card - such a big moment. Actually, a librarian cut it up before my eyes a few years ago - much to my horror - "oh, we don't use these kind anymore"...*gasp* (yes, I cried a little later on - I'd had it for nearly 30 years!)
