Saturday, June 25, 2011

First Movie

We went to Cars 2 today with the boys.  It was their first movie in a theatre and they were excited, if not a little nervous. (technically, Owen went to a movie when he was 8 days old, which he is quite proud of, but I am not sure that counts since he didn’t actually watch any of it…)

Both monkeys have seen many movie trailers but have given the big answer, “NO!” to a suggestion of seeing the “long version” of the movie in a theater.  Neither of them is really into any movies – they prefer 1/2 hour shows.  Cars 2 was the first trailer that they have thought looked good.

On the way to the theater, Owen called the movie a “play” which I thought was funny.  I kind of like that he links the word “theatre” to a play. 

Photo_3600AE66-A817-8BB8-F121-94A098FDD103Jack wasn’t too sure about the whole movie experience.  He wanted to go, but worried about the noise in the theater.  (I think I might have planted that seed when I told him it was really loud – I didn’t want him to be surprised by the noise when we were in the theatre, but I am not sure the warning was helpful or necessary)  

The previews before Cars 2  made Jack a little nervous – but mostly irritated, “When IS Cars 2 going to start!?!” he kept asking.

Once it did start, both boys really liked it. 

When we first sat in the theatre, I gave each boy a pack of fruit snacks .  Jack downed his right away and asked for more.  Owen sat holding the packet saying he wanted to wait to eat them until the movie started.  Owen had no problem holding them for the half-hour wait.  Jack ate his second package before the movie began, and somehow managed to eat Owen’s second package during the movie…

Jack’s meds were due during the movie, so I brought a filled syringe in a baggie.  I handed it to him an hour into the movie.  Unfortunately, Jack dropped the syringe and it began rolling under the seats in front of us.  I jumped up quickly to grab it, and while I did that, I caught a part of Jack’s jacket on my arm and pulled it along with me.  The jacket sleeve was stuffed into the coke-holder under a can of Sprite to keep the Sprite from falling through.   When I pulled the jacket, it made the Sprite shoot up into the air.  I saw it happening out of the corner of my eye, but felt the need to save the syringe more than the Sprite.  It sprayed all over the aisle and chugged out onto the floor during the syringe rescue.  I felt really smooth!

It was a fun experience and the monkeys definitely want to go again – especially to see the same movie over again.  At $35  just for tickets, I am thinking we should have waited another few years to introduce movies to the monkeys…

1 comment:

  1. How fun for them (not the floor).That's why there are $3 movie theaters. We usually only go to those- you just have to wait a tiny bit longer is all! :)
