Friday, December 16, 2011

Snack Notes

Since Owen started kindergarten, I have written little notes to him at school that I slip in with his snack (or lunch).  On day one, Owen told me he wanted me to do it every day that he was in school “for the rest of my life.”  And for the most part I have.

When I first started writing them, I had to limit myself to 3 and 4 letter words that followed phonics rules or to sight words that I knew he knew.  As he learned to read better, I was able to write more idea (and could use less-neat handwriting.)  Several more times Owen has told me how much he likes the notes and it is a little ritual that I really love. 

I occasionally throw the notes in a drawer to save.IMG_2014IMG_2012IMG_2007IMG_2010IMG_2011IMG_2016IMG_2005IMG_2019IMG_2013IMG_2015IMG_2018

One day this week, Owen was having a bad morning, and was mad.  Several things had gone wrong that morning for him. And when I would not make him a different breakfast than what was served (one he usually likes)he stomped off and took the note from his lunchbox and tore it.

I was apparently not nearly at my best that morning either… I responded by picking up the note and throwing it away saying, “If you feel that way about the notes from me, I guess I won’t write them anymore!”

I felt terrible as I drove the monkeys to school.   I took an old receipt out of my purse and wrote, “No matter what, I always love you!”  and slipped it in his lunchbox.

I hated that he would have to wait until lunchtime to see it.

After school Owen seemed his normal chipper self and chattered on about his day.   I felt a little better then.

But when I got home, and opened his lunchbox, I found this tiny, tiny note back to me and knew that all was forgiven –between the both of us.



  1. Oh man I'm about to cry. That is movie material! You can't write this stuff! :)

  2. what she said....miss O...need to see him SOON!
