Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Power Tools

It is strange… I love Christmas and am happy when it is time to get out the decorations.  I love to get the tree, put on the ornaments, and hang the stockings and a wreath.  Every day, the decorations make me feel so so  happy, until they suddenly don’t.  And then the decorations feel a lot like dirty dishes…

So after our final holiday event – Christmas with Grady (ahhh, he is so big now!!!)IMG_2164IMG_2158I gave the monkeys “closure” with the tree (there were many tears last year when I took the tree down, so I was hoping a formal goodbye would help – it did!)IMG_2168IMG_2169

The next day, while the boys were out with Eric, I packed away all of the decorations apart from the wreath, and dragged the tree out to the garage.

Eric usually slowly cuts the tree up and puts it in the yard waste can a little each week until the tree has disappeared.  I eyed the power saw, and figured that there was no reason for Eric to have all of the fun!  IMG_2175

(try not to be too jealous of my nifty glasses that I borrowed from Jack’s Nerf gun tag set – and also try not to laugh at me too hard – I got enough crap about being overly safe from my brother!!)

Anyhoo…I cannot for the life of me understand why it takes Eric more than one session to get the tree completely gone?!?!  I had that power saw in my hands for about 10 minutes and the tree went from 9 feet to 1 foot before I was done having fun…IMG_2174

Next year, I am not sure if the tree is going to make it until after Christmas day before the power tool fun begins!


  1. awesome, now come over and do mine!!

