Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Summer Reminder

Lisa and I took our monkeys down to a beach by her house after school on Tuesday.  The weather was beautiful and views were amazing.IMG_0844We spent all of our sunny days at the pool this summer, and while we love the pool, we missed out on joys of digging and playing in the sand.IMG_0832IMG_0852

Owen was the only one to brave the water, but decided it was too cold (or too lonely) to put his head under, so he didn’t really swim.IMG_0862I pointed out the three towers that are on Queen Anne hill (in the background of the photo of Owen).   When I told the monkeys that Eric and I met each other over there, Owen gasped.  “Wow, you met there?” he asked.  “It is so close.  We could just DRIVE there!”  I guess the trip to Corfu was a little bit longer…

1 comment:

  1. the dog days of summer! looks like a super fun afternoon on lake wash!
