Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Cousins

Yesterday I picked up my nieces Lauren and Hannah.  They hung out with Jack while Owen was at school.  Owen joined the fun after school.

Jack thought playing in the dirt was the best thing to do.IMG_0255

Lauren and Hannah thought throwing the lawn-dart, cartwheeling and walking on their hands was more interesting.IMG_0260IMG_0275IMG_0276

Jack thought running around looked fun, and joined in in his own unique way.


I am not sure that Hannah knew the power of a 50 pound 4-year-old…IMG_0283

Luckily, she is a good sportIMG_0317

…most of the time.


Lauren is pretty good at all of the lawn sports, but  is not partial to the camera…IMG_0319

Owen was much more interested in watching Hannah play the guitar and listening to her sing.


He was especially pleased with the little lesson on playing chords that Hannah gave him.  I wouldn’t mind if a little of her songwriting skills rubbed off on him. ..IMG_0327

Hannah’s songs that she writes sound like they could be on the top 40.  Of course no one will take me seriously because they will think I am biased since I am her aunt.  But the lyrics are really that good.

1 comment:

  1. We would love to come over and hear Hannah sing. Grady was mesmerized by her at Jack's last birthday...and he loves him some moosix
