Friday, September 7, 2012

First Day of School

Our school theme this year is “It’s Time…” 

For Owen it’s time …to tell time (he got a new Darth Vader watch with hands)  …to be on time.  …to make new friends. (he is nervous about this and really wants to become better friends with some of his classmates, especially one little boy who is really into math.

For Jack it’s time…to join the big kids at school.(And is he ever excited about this!)  …to have fun. (I am hoping I can come back to this one when he worries that other kids are “better” at him  at reading, or French, or whatever.)  There is one more for him, but it is slipping my mind –grr.

Eric brought over coffee and vanilla milks.  I made eggs  and bacon and toast and no one cried that they hated eggs.  It was beautiful!  Jack was happy with Owen’s old backpack especially when Owen said, “Look Jack, you got a new backpack – it’s cool!”

Both boys were excited to go to school.   Owen’s teacher is a man, which he thinks is great and Jack was able to visit his teacher last year, so that helped him.  I walked them to class even though we are not supposed to.  I used to hate it when parents felt that the rules didn’t apply to them, but I am frustrated that there is no meet and greet.  I want to at least look at the person and the room in which I am leaving my boys for the day!  WP_001140WP_001141

After school, the boys were all smiles.

Jack yelled, “It was AWESOME! AWESOME!”

Owen sat quietly in his seat for a few seconds then said, “Well, I can’t say ‘awesome’ or ‘amazing,’ but I will say, ‘great.’”

I am surprised that Jack is the one who likes school and Owen is more hesitant.  But I laugh, because their answers reflect their personality so fully.  Jack a bundle of excited energy, Owen carefully exploring the situation. 

It could have easily gone:

Jack: I am NEVER going to that dumb French school AGAIN!

Owen: I expected it to be great, but it was even better than my expectations.  I would say, “Awesome” or even, “Amazing!”  (Actually, this is almost a quote from him late in the day when he chose peppermint ice cream)

I love my boys!

After school, we headed to our little wooded hide-away…


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