Monday, January 16, 2012

Snowy Activities

all of us reading (biographies for Owen, history for Mama, Scooby doo for Jack)


all of us playing with some weird goo that Owen got from one of his friends for Christmas


Jack at his Batcave


Mama finished the final details of the two reversible batman/superman capes that I made for someone at the boys’ school


Owen back at the pile of books



Mama fixed the drawers from under the boys’ play table that have broken several times (this “fix” is much uglier- the silver brackets in plain view-  but much sturdier and I hope this will be the last fixt!) I was really happy about getting that project done – and it spurred me to help(force) the boys do the final organization of their rooms – they did not appreciate this particular snowy day activity, until is was done, and they had loads of space to play!WP_000470


Two straight hours in the snow for the monkeys.  The kids were bundled in their Smartwool socks and hats, their pajamas, snow pants, down coats, and gloves – the were toasty warm!WP_000472

Mama working on a poster for the book fair at the school – the kind of project that you think is going to be straight forward, but ends up taking far far more time than you anticipate! (And have mercy gravity! When I went to take a photo of this poster, I forgot that I hadn’t finished gluing everything down. I guess it is going to take a little longer now, oh well…)


hot chocolate after playing in the snow!  We made the special kind that Grandma Mary made for Christmas which made it extra special.


Mama cleaned all of the laundry! (now I just have to fold it and put it away…)WP_000478

And that is only PART of the whole day – there was still dishes, and cooking, and more art projects, and rediscovery of old toys, and a complete take-over of the upstairs for the important set-up of a “pet store” of stuffed animals! And if you know anything about the amount of stuffed animals that grace our presence, you know that I am not exaggerating when I used the term “complete takeover of the upstairs”…

It was a satisfying day.   I got more done than I normally do, and the boys were busy, and happy all day.

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