Sunday, April 21, 2013

Flag Football

I know nothing about football.  I have never really been concerned about this before, but today I felt a little worried.  The meet and greet for the boys’ team was today.  And I found that I had a lot to learn.  First, they have a racket going on with their photos.  Write your credit card on the line…

Second, I had no idea how a mouth-guard goes in.  “Does this go on the top or bottom teeth?”  I asked.  A kid pulled his hearing aid off his ear, and said, “Like this.”  Then he put his hearing aid in his mouth.  Only it wasn’t a hearing aid; it was his mouth-guard.  Um, is that where you are supposed to store it when it isn’t in your mouth?  It does seem better than on the ground where Jack kept his.  Yummy.

Third, some people take sports (for 6 and 7 year olds) really really seriously… Eric nudged me, “They are talking about adding practice days, you should be involved.  That’s all you.”   I furrowed my brows.  Weren’t practices and games on Sundays? 

All of the other teams have met 4 or 5 times already!  We need a mid-week practice!” one of the parents insisted.

Why did this sound so much like, “Mom, all the other kids are doing it!”?  But, apparently we are now practicing on Tuesday afternoons too.  There goes my one free day…

Fourth, I don’t actually know any of the rules so that I can practice at home.

Owen and Jack LOVED the short practice and scrimmage that they had today.  I guess the team even won their practice game.  They had tons of smiles, and were really involved and chattered all the way home.  When we got home they ran outside to practice right away. 

Jack had been worried because he had been transferred from his age team to Owen’s because there weren’t enough kids for the younger league.  But Jack seemed to keep up just fine, and the coach couldn’t tell which boys was older…WP_001522

Jack – Number 19


Owen – Number 12 (in the middle of the photo)

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