Saturday, April 2, 2011

Jack and Mama

Daddy had to work today and Owen spent the day with Mamau, so Jack and I had a day to ourselves. 

It was rainy, so we went to a few stores. We needed a birthday present for Katie and Sarah so we went to our favorite toy store.  They had just reorganized their store and were having a big event to show off their new products.  Jack was in heaven trying out all of their display models.  He rode bikes, tried lots of toys, and did a few art projects.  He had a great time there.

At another store Jack saw this bed and really wanted it.  I was looking it over to see how we could do something like that ourselves. (I can just imagine Eric rolling his eyes right now imagining me actually trying to pull it off…don’t worry honey!) IMAG0578

We were by THE taco truck so we HAD to stop.  IMAG0583

We ate in the car since it was raining, and Jack though that was the best thing ever.IMAG0580

We were heading home and I remembered the 25 cent rides that they still have a Crossroads Mall.  So we stopped, and dug through the car and my purse to find as many quarters as we could. IMAG0585IMAG0589IMAG0591IMAG0587IMAG0590

IMAG0586Jack was not too keen to go on this ride.  I explained that the seat would go around the circle, and he was sure that it was going to go upside down and he would fall out.  We finally turned the ride on without him inside and then he hopped on.  “That wasn’t even the tinsiest, einsiest bit scary,” he moaned when it was over…

We spent the next hour or two in the Half-Price Book store and read and read.  We scored a few French word books and Jack picked out a dinosaur book. 

Jack fell asleep on the way home and took a long nap after I transferred him to our bed.  Poor little monkey has been cooped up in the house since Owen has been sick and we haven’t gone anywhere.  It was good to tire him out.

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